~~ The Human Tree ~~

This is a painting by artist Alice Branston

commissioned for the cover of the booklet

'The Human Tree ~ A guide to 3rd Planet survival'

by Lynn Weatherby-Brands (1995)

The pieces below are excerpts from this booklet.

~ My Law ~ Tieme Ranapiri ~

The sun may be clouded, yet ever the sun

Will sweep on it's course till the Cycle is run.

And when into chaos the system is hurled

Again shall the Builder reshape a new world.

Your path may be clouded, uncertain your goal:

Move on - for your orbit is fixed to your soul.

And though it may lead into darkness of night

The torch of the Builder shall give it new light.

You were. You will be! Know this while you are:

Your spirit has travelled both long and afar.

It came from the Source to the Source it returns -

The Spark which was lighted eternally burns.

It slept in a jewel. It leapt in a wave.

It roamed in the forest. It rose from the grave.

It took on strange garbs for long eons of years

And now in the soul of yourself It appears.

From body to body your spirit speeds on

It seeks a new form when the old one is gone

And the form that it finds is the fabric you wrought

On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.

As dew is drawn upwards, in rain to descend

Your thoughts drift away and in Destiny blend.

You cannot escape them, for petty or great,

Or evil or noble, they fashion your Fate.

Somewhere on some planet, sometime and somehow

Your life will reflect your thoughts of your Now.

My Law is unerring, no blood can atone -

The structure you built you will live in - alone.

From cycle to cycle, through time and through space

Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace

And all that you ask for, and all you desire

Must come at your bidding, as flame out of fire.

Once list'd to that Voice and all tumult is done -

Your life is the Life of the Infinite One.

In the hurrying race you are conscious of pause

With love for the purpose, and love for the Cause.

You are your own Devil, you are your own God

You fashioned the paths your footsteps have trod.

And no-one can save you from Error or Sin

Until you have hark'd to the Spirit within.

~ attributed to a Maori ~

~ The Human Tree ~

We are the human trees

Living here on Earth

We live the seasons

All but one

'Cos that is when we rest




Find your roots

Get grounded

Become that tree

Stretch your branches

To the Sun

Take the sunlight

Through your trunk

Down to your roots

And breathe

Find your centre


Channel that Light

To the Earth.

~ Lynn Weatherby-Brands ~

~ The Way ~

When from the depths of our hearts

We desire something more real than material power,

The wave of destruction will end,

Thence peace will come, joy will come

Light will come.

~ Anon ~

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