English/U.S. Version Updated: 13 February 2000 Pas de Version Francaise

Hekau Thaumaturgy IconAlchemyAmuletsCelestialGlyphLightningMagicNecromancyStone ShapingUshabtiRen-HekauVeille
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Hekau Thaumaturgy Path

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                        The Amulets takes time to create them. Usually, the magician must observe its creation to be sure nothing will counter the Spells he will cast on the object. Unlike Glyphs, Amulets are permanent, even when Amulets are simple papyrus with hieroglyphs written on them.

    Among Amulets exists what is called Sekhem Amulets. These Amulet's purpose is to accumulate Sekhem, Sekhem that can be used by the wearer (and only by her) as a source of Sekhem. Indeed, it was the only way for mortal magicians to casts costly Spells without endangering their lives! The rate of Sekhem recharging can be found in Chapter 3: Thot-Hekau. Note that Sekhem Amulets have written on them the True Name (or part of it!) of the magician, which can be used against him! These Amulets are always precious items, who would be among the most expensive items to make or buy among non-magical ones.

    As a rule of thumb, consider a True Name have a Sekhem Value of 3 times his Willpower (thus, with varying Permanent Willpower, the True Names increases in lenght!). A magician can create an Amulet only if his True Name has enough Sekhem Value. A 1-Willpower magician can only create 3 Sekhem Amulets, and as such can create Object Amulets, but not Crown Amulets. In the same way, someone finding a Scepter with a 9-Sekhem Pool will find a 3-Willpower value True Name. If the magician has 6 Permanent Willpower, it means anyone discvering this True Name will have half the magician's True Name. Magician could create Sekhem Amulets for others, but this mean that he had to know the other's True Name, which means this didn't happen much...

    Note that a magician can create successfully as much Amulets of one type as different parts of his True Name he could writte on them. Thus a 2-Willpower magician can only create 6 different Papyrus Amulets. A 5-Willpower magician can create, as an example, as much as three 5-Sekhem Object Amulets (each have a third of his True Name on it), and 15 Papyrus Amulets (Each Papyrus Amulet will have 1/15 of the True Name on it). Thus, accumulating Amulets is risking to have someone discover the Full True Name, and thus, putting the magician in a very delicate position indeed!
    * :
    ** Charge the Sekhem Amulet:
    *** Identify the Amulet:
    **** :
    ***** :

* : Level 1 Power


                        System: ?.

** : Level 2 Power


                        System: ?.

*** : Level 3 Power


                        System: ?.

**** : Level 4 Power


                        System: ?.

***** : Level 5 Power


                        System: ?.

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Hekau Thaumaturgy IconAlchemyAmuletsCelestialGlyphLightningMagicNecromancyStone ShapingUshabtiRen-HekauVeille
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