English/U.S. Version Updated: 13 February 2000 Pas de Version Francaise

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Hekau Necromancy Path
the Mortal

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                        This Path enable the Necromancer to affect living tissues, instead of unliving or dead ones. This Path tries to affect what can be considered Life. While it can't create life from nothing, it can help Life sustain itself. Healing, Regeneration, but also darker effects are possible with this Path. There is no known way to revive the dead unless the body is freshly dead and intact (similar conditions to normal hospital conditions to reviving...)
    * : Minor Healing: This power can stabilize most minor wounds (up to any -2) to avoid infections, etc..
    ** : Torpor: This power enable the Necromancer to force a deep coma on the subject. For a limited amount of time, the slowed physiology of the subject enable him to survive most wounds, poisons and deseases. Of course, upon awakening, the suject suffer from the same problems unless something have been done. This power can help the subject by giving more time for medical help to arrive, help for some delicate surgery, etc.. this power can be used also to make the subjet inconscious.
    *** : Healing: The Cainite Necromancer can guide and speed up healing. By applying this power, each wounded Health Level is considered as on Level lower in time recovery.
    **** : Regeneration: This power need Vampire Vitae to work, one for each level. Should the subject actively participate to the ritual by spending Temporary Willpower points (which means the subject can't be anesthezied), or the Necromancer doing the same by spending Permanent Willpower points, the subject can roll Stamina+Fortitude to immediately heal one Health Level per success. It can effectively stop most poison and toxin damage (not healing, but at least stoping the damage, which lets the body recovers...). With a Difficulty of 8, this can even heal Aggravated Damage and amputation.
    ***** : Resurrection: This power is complicated, as one must first recover both the body of the subject, his soul (Wraith, etc.). This mean that not all bodies can be recovered, only those who would have been, Wraiths. Of course, a significant percentage of Wraiths suffered from rather definitive trauma, which mean the body isn't intact enough for resurrection. This power don't heal damage. It only bring back the soul to try it a new live in a partially living body. Thus a poisonned body would suffer once more from the poison, a wounded body is still wounded, etc. (the body is at maximum Incapacited, meaning it needs immediate help). Decapited bodies needs a special treatment as the Necromancer must cast the same Turn both Regeneration and Resurrection (by dividing the Dice Pools!). Bodies which were submitted to extreme conditions (as extreme frost -- even artificial hibernation as it destroy neurons!--, exposure to elements like fire, rain, water, concussion by explosives, torture, etc.) must be treated as if having been decapited. Thus, most bodies will need both Resurrection and Regeneration, with an expenditure of a permanent Willpower Point. Bodies which were mummified, as well as bodies too old are beyond this power...

* : Level 1 Power


                        System: ?.

** : Level 2 Power


                        System: ?.

*** : Level 3 Power


                        System: ?.

**** : Level 4 Power


                        System: ?.

***** : Level 5 Power


                        System: ?.

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Hekau Thaumaturgy IconAlchemyAmuletsCelestialGlyphLightningMagicNecromancyStone ShapingUshabtiRen-HekauVeille
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