English/U.S. Version Updated: 13 February 2000 Pas de Version Francaise

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Necromancy Hekau Path
the Vampire

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                        This Path focalizes on Vampiric Necrology manipulation. The power of the Blood is great, but with an intelligent mind to guide it, it can make miracles...
    * : .
    ** : Mortal Vanity: The Necromancer can re-activate parts of his body rendered inactive by the Embrace. This effectively enable him to simulate blood circulation (by activating the heart), normal saliva or sweat, growing longer hair, etc.. These change are temporary. The hair and nails grow at normal speed, and this ritual must be used regularly to have significative results. Even longer hair won't grow back to the new length, unless this length is made permanent by the Alter Anatomy power.
    *** : Alter Anatomy: With minimal physical alteration, this enable a Necromancer to alter the appearance of a Vampire: This enable the Necromancer to cut a member and make it un-healing (the victim can't grow it back!). It can also add tattoos, erase .
    **** : Embrace of the Clanless: By weakening the Vitae, all the while keeping its supernatural quality, the Necromancer can provoke the Embrace of the dying mortal drinking this Vitae. The Mortal's Generation will be 2 lower than normal (so, 13th Generation Vitae won't work for this), and the mortal will effectively be clanless. With enough success, the Necromancer can even erase any information like the Sire, etc., which could be detected by blood sample examination.
    ***** : Generation Entropy: A variation of the last power, this enable the Necromancer to poison his own Vitae with forces of Oblivion and Entropy. Anyone drinking this dark Vitae can't take any advantage of it. If a Cainite drink it, it must ''soak'' Aggravated Damage. If at least one Blood Point remains, then the Cainite loses one Generation (i.e. His effective Generation increases by one). This power have no effect on 13th Generation Cainites or Cainites of less powerful Generation.

* : Level 1 Power


                        System: ?.

** : Level 2 Power


                        System: ?.

*** : Level 3 Power


                        System: ?.

**** : Level 4 Power


                        System: ?.

***** : Level 5 Power


                        System: ?.

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Hekau Thaumaturgy IconAlchemyAmuletsCelestialGlyphLightningMagicNecromancyStone ShapingUshabtiRen-HekauVeille
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