The First Surgery

And What To Expect

This will be a very difficult time for you!
You want, and have waited,
for the "imperfection" to be corrected.
But now the day is finally here!
You are glad that your child is having their surgery,
but you are also scared(a.k.a. terrified!)

You want the imperfection corrected, but...,
your tiny little person
is under going major surgery,
and you are faced with an entire new realm of unknowns.
This can be very SCARY!

It's OK to be scared and/or worried!
It is natural!
These are just some hints and tips
to help you survive!

Schedule of Surgery

The Lip

  • Try to keep your baby away from everyone 2 weeks prior to surgery. A cold or infection can postpone the surgey. We washed our hands in rubbing alcohol everytime we touched Wes, 2 weeks prior to his first operation.
  • The baby must weigh 10 pounds before any surgery will be considered.
  • This surgery is usually performed between the ages of 10 and 12 weeks.
  • The goal of the first surgery is not to acheive symmetry. It is to close the gap. This means that the nostril and/or lip may not match. Symmetry will be achieved in a later surgery.
  • Main stiches will normally be removed after 5 days, the rest will dissolve on their own. Although this could take up to a month.
  • The scar, though bright red at first, will fade with time.

piglet look
The Palate

  • Will be performed between 9 and 18 months, depending on the baby.
  • The baby will need to have an I.V. for 2 days following the surgery.

The Alveolar Ridge (a.k.a.-gumline)

- A bone graft will be performed between the ages of 5 to 10 years to allow permanent teeth to grow in better.

Another Surgery

- A surgery will probably be performed in the teenage years, after the face is done growing and after all other surgeries are completed. It is to improve overall appearance.

tigger look

  • Be prepared! Ask the doctors questions concerning the procedures for pre and post op, diet restrictions before and after surgery, and what to expect after.
  • It is a good idea to introduce your baby to apple juice about a month before the surgery. Normally on the day of surgery they can't have formula only clear liquids and juice is more satisfying than plain water.
  • After surgery your baby may be placed in a mist tent to avoid congestion. Or they may have a Logan's bow (a protective band that goes across the face to protect the lip area.)
  • Your baby will most likely have a very swollen face when they return from surgery.
  • Also, and this is the truth, when they return from surgery you may not recognize them. By the time they have the surgery you will have gotten used to the cleft.
  • For 1 to 2 weeks after surgery, your baby will have to wear arm cuffs (sturdy cloth that wraps around the elbows). This is to keep the baby from grabbing at the repair. They can be removed when you are supervising your baby.

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