The Specialists You Will Meet

Soon after your baby is released from the hospital, you will have an appointment with the cleft palate team. This team will normally be recomended by your pediatrician, after your baby's birth.

Experience has made the medical world realize that a
multidisciplinary team is the best way to treat a cleft. However, all of these specialists can be confusing to a new parent at first.

The following is a list of each member of the team and their functions.

*Special Note
Not all children will need the services of all these doctors.

  • The Plastic Surgeon - This is the main doctor on the team. It is also the one that you will most likely have your first appointment with. The other doctors will be called in as needed. At your first appointment your baby's condition will be evaluated, they will usually take some pictures for future reference, and the basic plan for the first surgery will be discussed. Most likely you will be given a schedule date for the surgery. There will normally be another appointment approximately 1 week before the surgery to discuss details and have pre-op tests done.

  • The Pediatrician - Though some teams have their own pediatrician, most will simply work closely with yours through correspondances.

  • The Dentist and/or Orthidontist - These doctors improve your childs speech and chewing abilities when older, using braces or dentures(if needed).

  • The Speech & Language Therapist - They offer early intervention, incase your child shows any problems with speech development as they become older.

  • Audiologist - Also another specialist involved with early intervention, concerning hearing.

  • The Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist - Cleft babies often have numerous middle ear infections and problems that result from these infections.

  • The Social Worker - They can help the family find services and financial aide.

  • The Psychologist - They can help the immediate family or other relatives and friends cope with the situation of a cleft. They also offer services to older cleft children, who may have trouble dealing with peers.

  • The Nurse - The office nurse can help you with feeding problems, scheduling, and preparing for surgerys. They are your liason to the plastic surgeon.

    The Genetic Counselor - They will try to determine the cause of the cleft and also determine the probability of the condition repeating itself in another birth.

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