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About Myself

My name is Mike Jason Belgica Go.I was born on September 6, 1994.My father's name is Michael Wong Go, he is half chinese and half filipino. My mother's name is Elvira Belgica Go, a filipino came from Casiguran Aurora.I have two brother's and one sister, I was rhird among the siblings. When I was five years old, I study in Saint Catherine School in Valenzuela as preparatory and taking grade one in bagbaguin Elementary School.My family and I transfer here in Aurora province last 2002 because of my Grandfather's will.I continue my study at Estonilo Elementary School when I was 6 years old and graduated up to grade six at the same school.And taking High School here at Maria Aurora National High School, during my high school day, I joined games like chess.Presently, studying at ASCOT(Aurora State College Of Technology) taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology because I loved computer.I want to learn and explore more about computers, that someday build my own business asa computer shop and the same time working in private company with high salary in Manila.