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My Friends

My friends are Aldrin Sanchez, A friend from Elementary to High School.He is small but that does'nt matter in picking friends , It's the similarities between you two.We like going to Computer Shop when there are no classes and play.One of them too is Micko Garcia, he is also a friend since my Elementary.He and Aldrin has the same height.Edgardo Tilan is one of my classmate in fourth year high school. he became my friend the four of us hang together when we are fourth year high school.Also, Mark Carlo Quisto is one friend of mine.We like hanging out and play Grand Chase(GC) and we realy love it.I'm the one who tell him about the game and he loves it so I help him level up so we can help each other when we like to level up.My present friends are Eddie Dasalla and Bejie Ruzol, my two classmate in Aurora State College Of Technology(ASCOT).We like lke to hang out, make assignment, play computer games and study about lessons together.