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My Family



      My father is Michael Wong Go,he is forty-five years old .He was born on October 1, 1966 in Saint Mary Jhonson Hospital here in Manila.My mother is Elvira Belgica Go, a forty four years old born on March 29, 1968 in Casiguran Aurora.My father and my mother met in Manila in their work, and ge married on September 22, 1989.They were bless with four children.I have two brother's and one sister.The oldest among us is my sister her name is Sheila Marie Belgica Go, recently studying in Wesleyan University- Philippines taking in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration(BSBA) major in marketing.She was twenty-one years old and qruaduating this year.Second is Mark Anthony Belgica Go, a twenty years old and also studying in Wesleyan University-Philippines with the same course of my older sister.Apparently he was graduating this year too.Their goal is to find a good job in Manila and help my parents someday.The youngest among us is Carlo Belgica Go, he is 16 years old and taking course of Bachelor in Industrial Technology major in Civil Tech.As of now he is first year in Aurora State College of Technology(ASCOT).