14th September, 01 -
Adopt - a - Anything is under new management, there will be more adoptions coming up shortly, there will be a few changes but mostly everything will stay the same.  I like it the way it is.  If you want e-mail me with more suggestions or anything you want me to change, thanks!


7th August, 01 -
I'm bbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkk!
Aren't you all so pleased? *g*. I qualified in
the site fights this week to go to the fighting grounds! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! Vote for me vote for me please! What else... Aha! Two new candidates created! A new pegasus clutch has happened - visit the proud parents here! And apply for one of the clutch here!

3rd August, 01 -
The weekend! Yay! *dances*. More updating to do now! Ok... My candidate Nya from Dark Moon Weyr Impressed green Viriith! Go and congratulate her! more additions to my adoptions page as always! Also, does anyone have any ideas on anything else to adopt out or impress? I'm have no idea what you people out there want - so please please please email me and tell me what you want! And have I told yas all to visit my sister site, GIRLDOLLZ? go now! you can get the coolest cartoon dollz...
I really should make this a new day 'cos it's 1am LOL but hey... I reorganised my adoptions page too cos it was looking a bit messy (and I can't stand mess). that's about it. cya's all at a respectable hour ;).


28th July, 01 -
I'm back! Nothing amazing this time.... I re-did the index page 'cos it was looking a bit crowded. And I also made a group for updates and stuff like that, so join it! Go back to the main page if you want to :). Ok, cyas :-D. Ooooo! And visit our new sister site - Girl Dollz!


23rd July, 01 -
my last day of freedom *sob*so I did some _more_ updating.... now there's an award application (yay!) that you can fill out for an award for your site. Um... please VOTE FOR ME in the site fights :). That's all up and running.... er.... I'd say that's about it. Good day to you all! : )


22nd July, 01 -
Wow, I have been updating _so_ much lately! I don't even wanna think about how much it's gonna cost me on internet time....but anyway...
I've done a huge big updating this time ;) with my
Pern page started (but still under major construction), the links page has more than just my webrings (finally!), and if you have any suggestions of sites to put up there please email me!!! Also, I've put a new addition to the adoptions page, nothing new just a Surprise Egg thing where it is almost totally up to chance what you get. It'll be SO cool, and you can choose what colour egg you want! I can do it any colour at all that you want! All thanks to Paint Shop Pro :).. And, as always, more additions to my adopted creatures page, cos I just love crawling the net finding places from which to adopt! OK, think that's about all the updating.... I won't be doing as much anymore cos I have to go back to school *big sob* which will be absolute torture and I will have totally _no_ time to do anything else *sigh*. And have I told ya to visit Dee's art gallery? It is _so_ cool. She does the most amazing things. And also read her Dimar novel. I'm halfway through it :). It's free online so just download it.

19th July, 01 -

*Sigh* I'm back, though I thought I wasn't gonna update for another week or so. But it was worth it, since my site got approved for
The Site Fights!!!! Yay!! No more news since two days ago (I still can't believe I'm updating..) so I'll leave it there.....


Ooooh! I almost forgot! I'm adding a new contest (just while I'm here) to win a black griffon! It's not the same shape as the normal ones either...
go check it out!

17th July, 2001 -

Well, I finally have the site basically up and running again *sigh* and on a new server. I do believe that Geocities is much better than my last one (who I won't name). I figured y'all needed an updates page 'cos of the confusion when my last site "died". Stoopid computer. If you were one of the people unfortunate enough to have adopted something around January 20, please
email me cos I lost your forms when the STUPID COMPUTER crashed.
I'm adding a new adoption on.... something odd this time *g* -
shoes. They'll be click + save ones because I don't see the point in having a hierachy of colours of shoes. Seems kinda pointless. I'm also adding a couple of things to the graphics page. Poor little page, it's been neglected so I figured it deserved some more matter.
I'm also thinkin' about adding some information pages on Pern (which I try to avoid mentioning *cringe* cos of copyright) and some pages about Roleplaying and my personas at various PBeM (play by email) weyrs. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter? I need input from my visitors...
Okilies, think that's about enough. I'll try to update this page as often as I can but real life sometimes gets in the way (the hide of it! *g*) so you'll just have to bear with me.


Yes people, the shoes are up. I hope you like them ;). They _are_ on the adoptions page, I just haven't put any big signs up about them yet.... go check em out : )

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