Page Last Updated: Saturday February 01, 2003

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Hell News
Jim Sucks
It's a dream...

I'm walking through a large museum-like mansion. There are ornate displays all amongst the grounds, and inside as well. Ma$$ive hedge scupltures line the windows, and large centerpieces grace every other room. One item is a miniature layout of a small desert city. The buildings are made entirely out of sand. Every now and again, a breeze blows the sand around, and the small buildings erode a little bit more. I'm on my way to a family function. I think it's a wedding. There are bleachers setup for us to view the ceremony from. It reminds me of the seating arrangement at a sea life park. The kind where the big fat fish splash water all over the retarded audience. My teeth start bothering me, so I head towards the bathrooms to take a look at them in the mirror. Upon looking in the mirror I see that one of my wisdom teeth is protruding through the insides of my gums. I run my tongue over it and it feels foreign. I bite down and I hear a crack. There's no pain. I feel the top part of the tooth sliding around in my mouth as I push on it with my tongue. I can hear it click against my other teeth. I pull it out and realize that there is no more to the tooth. It is shaped similar to the keys on a laptop keyboard. Flat and rectangular. There is a fleshy ma$$ of reddish-brown junk attached to the bottom side of it. I notice some blood on my lips and turn the water on to rinse my mouth with. I cup my hands under the tap and scoop water into my mouth. I swish the water around for a little bit and spit it out into the sink. The water rust-colored with blood. There are hundreds of small particles of the fleshy junk intermixed. I rinse again. This time a much larger amount of fleshy crap comes out with the water. I do another, much more vigorous, rinse. Even more of the fleshy chunks come out. As I rinse again, I can't help but feel like the water is getting underneath my remaining teeth. As I open my mouth, all of my upper teeth fall out and there is a large divot where the roots normally go. This is the source of the fleshy crap, which I realize is actually rotten nerves and roots. There is a trough in the middle of my gumline and it is jam-packed with death. Once I finally get rid of all of the fleshy crap, I can't help but run my tongue along the groove in my gums. It feels strange, and when I breath, the air moves over it in a very disturbing, but curious way. When I leave the bathroom, I crazilly show off my mouth to anyone and everyone I come across. I've gone slightly mad. They look at me as if there's nothing wrong with my mouth at all. What's wrong with these people?

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