Page Last Updated: Saturday January 18, 2003

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Hell News
Jim Sucks
I'm in the hospital and I have no voice. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I touch my cheek and it starts to slide off of my face. Using a bedpan for a mirror, I see that my face is breaking apart. My forehead splits open in the middle and begins to slip downward. I gingerly push it back into place with my fingertips. The skin around my temples tears off of my skull and slides down. I push that back in place, while holding onto my forehead. My cheeks tear apart and start to slide down my face. I adjust my grip to hold my face onto my skull. The cracks have grown deeper. My face is a jigsaw puzzle of flesh. Yellow snot-like strings stretch out like hot pizza cheese between the gaps. As the pieces slide around, I can hear the pieces wetly squishing against each other. As I'm holding on, I see you running away. I stumble across a mirror and I see the maggots and smell the stench. I reach out towards you and the flesh from my temple hits the pavement. I scream your name and the flesh from my chin hits me on the chest. You tell me to leave you alone. I run faster the remaining pieces slide off in unison. It hangs on a second in the wind. You throw salt on my grotesque visage. I stumble on. Ever towards you.

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