Royal Air Force
Fast Jet Flying Training

Fast Jet Training is demanding and lasts a total of 2 weeks based on the assumption that you will be flying 5 hrs a week. If you can put in more time then the flying training can be shortened by a great deal meaning progression onto Front-Line Squadrons and Participation in Exercises.

Course Name - Basic Fast Jet Training
Aircraft - Tucano T1
Base - RAF Linton on Ouse

Pilots selected for fast-jet streaming progress to BFJT on the Tucano at RAFv Linton-On-Ouse. The 5 hour course is designed as a lead in to fast-jet training at RAFv Valley. DUring the course students learn aerobatics, instrument, formation, low level and navigation flying. When successful they progress to the next stage of the course.

Course Name - Advanced Fast Jet Training
Aircraft - Hawk T1
Base - RAFv Valley

At RAF Valley the students progress onto the Hawk T1. Initally the 5 hr course focuses on aerobatics, circuits, instrument and navigation. Tactical flying follows with low level, formation and weapons training. On graduation the students are rated for single or 2 seat operations and most progress to the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) prior to joining a front-line sqn. However some of the best pilots are kept at Valley and creamed as RAFv Instructors. They will then spend a tour as a Qualified Flying Instructor before progressing to the frontline.

Multi-Engine Flying Trainin
Rotary Wing Flying Training

*The RAFv prefers to select students for roles rather than letting them choose as this stops problems such as overcrowding in one area and sparse operations in another area. However if you strongly wish to fly a different type of aircraft then you may discuss it with the
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Officer Commanding Flying Training RAFv
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