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David Poultney
Convict Number P565
Policeman, Milkman, Landowner

© Richard Carlaw. 2003-2006

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2. Post-convict life in Tasmania

1837 - David Poultney, Police poll, 1837 (1,071 Kb)
Source: Archives Office of Tasmania POL 361/1/143 1837

David Poultney Police Poll

"It is requested by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, that this form may be filled up, and sent to the police office of the district in which the householder resides, on or before the 1st January next.

Names of free persons male & female in the house above 14 years of age:  David Poultney     An Poultney
Religion sect or denomination of each:                                                     ?Weslen?            ?Weslen?
Names of free persons male & female in the house under 14 years of age:  Sarah Poultney
Religion sect or denomination of each:      
Signature of the head of the family or householder:    David Poultney
Here state the number of convicts in employ, (or assigned) of all the parties enumerated herein:"

In early Tasmanian times, censuses were held in the form of Police polls or musters. This is one of very few of these documents to have survived.

1837 - David Poultney, Wage Book entry (717 Kb)
Source: Archives Office of Tasmania CSO 50/11 (1837) p113

David Poultney 1837 wage book





(Office)  (Name) (Date Appointed) (Appointed by) (Annual Salary £-s-d)
District Constable D. Poultney 1 March 36 Lt Gov  50 - -

The series of documents CSO 50 were draft documents compiled towards preparation of the annual financial reports for the colony. They reveal valuable information in terms of expenditures, government structures and the names of individuals. As can be seen from this list, David's position of District Constable was fairly high up in the structure, being one of 7 District Constables for Hobart and with some 120 persons ranking below him. Above David Poultney would've been the Chief District Constable, then the Chief Police Magistrate for Hobart, then the Lt Governor.

This document and the next one are two of my key documents in proving that David Poultney (the convict) and David Poultney (my ancestor) were one and the same person. The appointment date of 1 March 36 is just before the date of his Conditional Pardon (9 March per Alphabetical Convict Indent or 9 May per conduct Record) and 7 years after his sentencing, 7 years being the earliest that a prisoner serving a 14 year term could receive a Conditional Pardon. The appointments demonstrates the progression of David (the convict) and Thomas Perkins (the convict) from the roles of "Field Police", per the Appropriation List, to the formal appointments of "District Constable". In 1839 at the baptism of my gg-grandfather William Bent Poultney, David Poultney (my ancestor) gives his occupation as "District Constable", providing a clear link between convict and ancestor.

1838 - David Poultney, Wage Book entry (930 Kb)
Source: Archives Office of Tasmania CSO 50/12 (1838) p114

David Poultney 1838 Wage book



Office Name Date Appointed Appointed by Annual Salary £-s-d
District Constable D. Poultney 1 March 36 Lt Governor 50 - -
District Constable T. Perkins 9 Aug 38 Lt Governor 50 - -

See previous document for description.

1848 - David Poultney, Census (161Kb & 172Kb)
Source: Archives Office of Tasmania Cen 1/86/39

  (page 1 - 161Kb)
David Poultney 1848 Census"Van Diemen's Land. Census of the year 1848.
Parish of -- 4 Name of householder -- David Poultney Name of Employer of Servants -- Name of Person in Charge --
Place of Residence No 36 Lower Goulborn Street
1. Name of person at the head or in charge of this House or Establishment? -- David Poultney
2. Who is Proprieter? -- David Poultney
3. Is the Dwelling built of Stone of brick or of Wood? -- Stone
4. Is it complete or unfinished? -- Complete
5. Is it inhabited or uninhabited? -- Inhabited
When the Proprieter is present
6. How many persons generally reside in this establishment besides yourselves: -- 8
7. How many of these persons are Free? -- 9
8. How many of these persons were dwelling here on the night of the thirty-first day of December last? -- 9
9. What other Person (if any) on that night was dwelling with you? -- none

(page 2 - 172 Kb)

David Poultney 1848 Census




  Under 2 years
  2 and under 7 
  7 and under 14
  14 and under 21
  21 and under 45
  45 and under 60
  60 and upwards







1 5 1 2 9

    Born in Colony
    Arrived free
    Other free persons
    Holding tickets of leave
    In government employ
    In private service
    In private employment













1 5 1 2 9

  Church of England
  Church of Scotland 
  Wesleyan Methodist
  Other Protestant
  Roman Catholic
  Mahomedan & Pagans







1 5 1 2 9








1 5 1 2 9

                                     Dated at Hobart Town 1st Jany 1848"

This is one of very few census documents to survive from this era. Although only the householder is named, the statistical information correlates extremely well with the known children of David and the address (Goulburn St) is consistent with later addresses given for him. Regarding the ages of the household members we see the following near perfect correlation:



Under 2 years






Ann Amelia (8 months)
  2 and under 7  - 2 - - 2 David (4), John (1)
  7 and under 14 - 2 - 1 3 Sarah (10), William (8), George* (6)
  14 and under 21 - 1 - - 1 Another ex-convict?
  21 and under 45 1 - 1 - 2 David and wife Ann.
  45 and under 60 - - - - -  
  60 and upwards - - - - -  

*George's age is the only anomaly in this list, and then only by one year.

The "Civil Status" section provided me with my first clue that this ancestor may just have been a convict. The selection of "Other Free" can only refer to persons born outside the colony and who didn't arrive as free persons. In other words, to those persons who arrived as convicts and are now free. As such, this document is another key one in proving the link between "convict" and "ancestor", albeit a weak one if viewed just by itself.

The presence of a ninth person in the house is of further interest. It suggests that a 14-21 year old, single male, Church of England ex-convict was living with David.

1846 - David Poultney, Document for Grant of Land
Archives Office of Tasmania, SC 285 / 367

This document is filed at the Archives Office of Tasmania, but as of August 2000 had not been microfilmed. A summary of the contents of the document are contained in the private communication shown below. (Note: I take no credit for researching or receiving this private communication.  The two documents that follow - the adverts in the Hobart Town Gazette - were obtained on my behalf by a private researcher, but this particular communication was received independently and forwarded to me by another Poultney descendant.) The three documents appear to form part of a legal process in relation to a land claim or allocation of land. Private communication follows:

"I found and reviewed the original grant document for this property at the archives (Ref SC 285 / 367). It has not yet been microfilmed. The forms were completed on David Poultney's behalf by his attorney, Thomas Young and dated 25 November 1846. Skipping all the measurements etc …, the important facts are as follows;

o The description shows it to be the Augusta Terrace block
o The property was originally two separate blocks. David purchased block number one on 20 May 1846. He purchase block number two on 22 July 1846. The blocks, which adjoined each other, had each been located to different individuals but neither had been officially granted. Individuals applied for a grant and were given a location order detailing the location and dimensions of the property. They were bound to make improvements such as fencing, buildings, etc … before the grant was officially completed. Often this occurred some years after the location order or often not at all until much later when the property had changed hands several times. I know of grants being made in Hobart as late as the 1930s where property owners owned the building but had not owned the land on which it stood.
o In applying for the grant to be made to David Poultney the attorney asked that they be described in the grant as one block due to the fact that they were adjoining and from that point on it became one block. I have a book on West Hobart with a map that partially shows the block, as it lists the original grants made in the street in the order they fall in the street. Given that it shows all the named neighbouring blocks in order and the name David can be seen on the block it is quite obvious that it is the block in question. I will get a copy of the original grant map when I have time.
o As mentioned above the two blocks, as they originally had been, were owned by different owners. The chain of ownership of each is listed below;

§ Block One - Located to Michael Obrian (sic)
§ Sold by Obrian (sic) to James Clare on 5 July 1834
§ Sold by Clare to Alexander Main on 5 March 1839
§ Sold by Main to Andrew Phegan on 9 Aug 1845
§ Sold by Phegan to David Poultney on 20 May 1846
§ Block Two - Located to James Liddy on 6 Oct 1832
§ Sold by Liddy to J Bodry for 26 pounds in April 1833
§ Sold by John Bodry to Henry Melville for 26 pounds on 6 Nov 1833
§ Sold on behalf of the insolvent Henry Melville to David Poultney on 22 July 1846."

1846 - David Poultney, Advert in the Hobart Town Gazette (208 Kb)
Archives Office of Tasmania, Hobart Town Gazette, 22 Dec 1846, page 1425

David Poultney 1846 Advert"COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE                                   22nd December, 1846
Notice is hereby given, that the following Claims for Grants of Land will be ready for examination, by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose, upon or immediately after the 22nd day of February next, on or before which day any caveat or counter claim must be entered.
DAVID POULTNEY. City of Hobart Town.
0A. 3R. 19P
(Part Originally M. O'Brian, remainder to J. Liddy, and respectively conveyed to J. Clair, A. Main, A. Phegan, J. Bodry, H. Melville, and applicant separately.)
            Bounded on the north east by 3 chains 93 links or thereabouts, south-easterly along an allotment occupied by or belonging to Lewis Riley commencing at the west angle thereof on Augustus-terrace and extending to Prince's buildings, on the south east by 2 chains 62 links or thereabouts south-westerly along Prince's-buildings to the east angle of an allotment occupied by or belonging to Robert Mulhall, on the south west by 4 chains 2 1/2 links or thereabouts north-westerly along that allotment to Augustus-terrace aforesaid, on the north west by 43 links north-easterly along Augustus-terrace to the west angle of an allotment occupied or belonging to Joseph Ward, again on the north east by 2 chains south-easterly along that allotment, again on the north west by 85 1/2 links north-easterly also along the same allotment, again on the south west by 1 chain 98 links north-westerly also along the same allotment to Augustus-terrace aforesaid, and thence again on the north west by 1 chain 30 1/2 links north-easterly along Augustus-terrace to the point of commencement.

1848 - David Poultney, Advert in the Hobart Town Gazette (186 Kb)
Archives Office of Tasmania, Hobart Town Gazette, 20 Jun 1848, page 549

David Poultney 1848 Advert

"COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE                                20th June, 1848
Notice is hereby given, that the following claims to Grants of Land will be ready for examination, by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose, upon or immediately after the 20th day of August next, on or before which day any caveat or counter claim must be entered.
DAVID POULTNEY. City of Hobart Town.
0A. 3R. 19P
(Part Originally M. O'Brian, remainder to J. Liddy, and respectively conveyed to J. Clair, A. Main, A. Phegan, J. Bodry, H. Melville, and applicant separately.)
            Bounded on the north east by 3 chains 93 links or thereabouts, south-easterly along an allotment occupied by or belonging to Lewis Riley commencing at the west angle thereof on Augustus-terrace and extending to Prince's buildings, on the south east by 2 chains 62 links or thereabouts south-westerly along Prince's-buildings to the east angle of an allotment occupied by or belonging to Robert Mulhall, on the south west by 4 chains 2 1/2 links or thereabouts north-westerly along that allotment to Augustus-terrace aforesaid, on the north west by 43 links north-easterly along Augustus-terrace to the west angle of an allotment occupied or belonging to Joseph Ward, again on the north east by 2 chains south-easterly along that allotment, again on the north west by 85 1/2 links north-easterly also along the same allotment, again on the south west by 1 chain 98 links north-westerly also along the same allotment to Augustus-terrace aforesaid, and thence again on the north west by 1 chain 30 1/2 links north-easterly along Augustus-terrace to the point of commencement.

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Convict Tales and Ancestors.  © Richard Carlaw 2006. [email protected]