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Litter Box
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Feline behavior problem
The natural lifestyle of the cat is characterized by low population density, regular scheduling of activities, infrequent interaction between adult cats, defined territories, and a dominance hierarchy... 
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Before You Bring Your Cat Home: You will need food, 
a food dish, a water bowl, interactive toys, 
a brush, a comb, a scratching post and a litter box..
Premium-quality dry or canned cat food provides a healthy diet for your pet.  
Fresh, clean water must be available at all times. All water bowls should be washed and refilled daily. 
An adult cat should be fed one large meal or two smaller meals each  
Kittens 6 to 12 weeks old need to be fed four times a day, and kittens 12 to 24 weeks old need to be fed three times a day. Feed specific meals, and throw away any leftover food after 20 minutes. Do not make food available all the time. 
Cats should have a warm, dry place of their own in the house. Line the bed with something warm and soft -- a towel or blanket. Be sure to wash the bedding often. It's safer to keep your cat indoors. Outdoor cats can get poisoned, hit by cars and hurt in fights. They also are more apt to pick up diseases and parasites. 
To pick up your cat, place one hand under his front legs and the other   
under his hindquarters. Lift gently. Never pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck (behind the ears) or by his front legs.
Your cat should see a veterinarian at least once a year for an examination and shots.   
Also take your feline to a vet if he becomes sick or injured. Carefully go over your cat's body at least once a week to check for fleas, ear mites and bumps or cuts.
Litter Box
All indoor cats need a litter box. The bathroom, utility room and back   
porch are all good places to put the box. Always keep it in the same place. Scoop solids out at least once a day. Dump everything, wash the box with a mild detergent and refill it at least once a week. Cats won't use a messy, smelly litter box!
Your cat will keep himself relatively clean. Most cats rarely need a bath, but they do need to be brushed or combed. Frequent grooming helps keep your feline's coat clean, reduces his shedding and reduces the number of hairballs he will have.
If allowed outdoors (we don't recommend this), a cat should wear a   
collar and an identification tag. A safety collar -- one which has an elastic panel or is made out of popper beads -- will allow your cat to free himself if the collar gets stuck on something. An I.D. tag makes it possible for someone to return your pet to you if he should become lost.
All cats need to scratch to loosen old nail sheathes and allow new nails to grow. Cutting your cat's nails every 10 to 14 days will keep them relatively blunt and thus make them less likely to harm arms of both people and furniture. Provide your cat with a sturdy scratching post covered with rough material such as sisal, burlap or tree bark to further prevent household destruction. A sprinkle of catnip once or twice a   
month will keep your cat interested in the scratching post. 
All cats delight in stalking imaginary prey. The best toys for cats are those that can be made to jump and dance around. (The Cat Dancer and Kitty Tease are good examples.) The cat will act out his predator role by pouncing on the toys instead of people's ankles. Warning: Do not use your hands or fingers as play objects with young kittens or your cat may have biting and scratching problems as he matures. 
Additional Information...
Indoor cats live for 15 to 20 years.   
It is important to spay (females) or neuter (males) your cat since he or she can breed up to three times per year. This operation prevents your cat from having unwanted litters and protects him from certain diseases of the reproductive organs.   
Neutered cats seldom spray urine around the house to mark territory, and are generally easier to own.   
If your cat has fleas, try frequent flea-combing or using flea powder. Flea collars for cats can irritate the skin on their necks.

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