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The X-Files: Fight The Future (1998)

Written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz

Directed by Rob Bowman

Cast: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, William B. Davis, John Neville, Martin Landau, Mitch Pileggi

Plot: Agent Mulder, after having been removed from the X-files is contacted by yet another mysterious whistleblower type. He and Scully are then drawn back in to the ongoing alien conspiracy. This time involving more secret government experiments beginning with evidence destroyed in the bombing of a federal building and ending up with the discovery of an alien spacecraft buried in ice in Antarctica.


The X-Files 2

20th Century Fox began negotiations with Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz on the sequel back in November of 2001. David Duchovny has stated an interest in doing an X-Files feature film and Gillian Anderson also seems open to the idea. Carter is also open to bringing in X-Files co-stars Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish but they may not appear right away. but instead show up in later sequels. For years this sequel has been expected to go into development as soon as the series ended.

Update: (April 11, 2002) Chris Carter on how the X-Files 2 project is coming along: “I hope to write it over the summer, prep it over the fall and spring, and shoot it late spring and next summer. I think you would end up seeing it in 2004… I have rough ideas and I’m sort of deciding what to do.”

Update: (May 3, 2002) Frank Spotnitz on his separate movie deal with Dimension Films effecting his ability to serve as a writer and/or producer of an X-Files sequel: “I suppose it could, but I don’t think it will. I think I will be able to do both. I hope so. That’s my intention, anyway.”

Update: (May 16, 2002) Carter confirms that the X-Files sequel will be a stand alone X-Files story, and shooting is set for sometime in 2003.

Update: (July 2, 2002) Rob (X-Files: Fight the Future, Reign of Fire) Bowman has made it well known recently that he's interested in directing a second X-Files feature film if he's asked to do it.

Update: (July 11, 2002) Mitch Pileggi announced he'd be interested in acting in an X-Files 2 movie. Pileggi added about the X-Files ongoing mythology: "It's like every time they answer a question, it seems they pose two more, so it's a hard situation to try to answer all the questions."


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