Environmental Impact Study

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Project Abstract

Students will learn how to perform environmental tests involving atmosphere, water, soil, sound and vibration and how these factors effect living things.  Students will conduct experiments to compare the effectiveness of different types of water filters while studying a pond at our site.  Students will learn how to make a map using surveying techniques, and utilizing math skills. Students will develop bio-assay skills.  Students will use these skills to collect environmental data regarding the construction of the I-40 Interchange in Oklahoma City.

What's  New

Submitted Pond Lesson Plan 3/17
Submitted Mapping Lesson Plan 3/19

Key Milestones

When I first envisioned this project, I wanted to find something that my students could really get excited about.  I believe this project will get students involved in their community in a positive way.  The skills they acquire while participating in this project will be valuable to them throughout their lives.

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Last updated: 04/06/02.

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