Web designer
It is I the Author of the Site


In the first person
I opinate (and you should)
Available extensions




The man

the drawings

(and the HTML code)

Curriculum Vitæ



This is my creator and ever drawer by himself.
Cute, ahn, girls? You should see him in person!
He agreed to write a few words about himself. He gets really annoyed when he reads a mistake. So, if you see anything unlike European English, go ahead, write him (sarcastic laugh)!!! J


Oh! Here he is!

In the first person

Look at him so italian
Praia da Rocha, December of 1998

Well, if what I'm writing is to be seen by the whole world, I have to be careful. You see, I wrote an essay about the Internet as the incoming media, and stated that, in order to a site to be enjoyed, it had to be attractive. So, I guess if I start to tell the history of my life, you might start to experience loss of freshness, and then a new visit would be kind of difficult.

SO, here goes just SOME details of my life.
I was born on June 27th 1975, in Vale de Santarém, a (back then) village on the core of the region of Ribatejo, Portugal.
I have Graduated in Business Management and Organisation, vocational area of Marketing, in the I.S.C.T.E. of Lisbon.

F Hey guys, just accept the cruel reality!

Super Pinga Produções-original

The first Super Pinga
done by and for computer
© 1997 Super Pinga Produções

Soon noticed not to be a "regular" kid (as I preferred books to toys at age 4 - Can you believe it? I have a certain difficulty!!!), I was noticed to have some skill in making drawings (OH YEAH!).
For that, and to write. Oh how the people liked it! My essays were true works of art.
As I grew old, my drawings got more and more perfect (yes, I'm VEEERY modest, indeed), and it reached its highest point with Super Pinga, who, in fact, is my alter ego. His first stories were quite close to certain happenings of MY life.
With happier endings, by the way and of course.

This way, as he became the "virtual myself",
who else to represent me in the Web?

I opinate (and you should)

Forum nou. - Group of people practising the act of opinate simultaneously in a merry gathering (from the latin forum)
Geraldine nou. - Group of people practising the act of pinate simultaneously in a merry gathering (from the greek giral + dinos)
Opinate v. - Exercising the right (and duty) of expressing one's own opinion; discuss (from opinion)
Pinate v. - Maybe better than opinate; Better practice than explain (from the latin pininfarina)
I consider the Web as (still) a forum of free speech, so I gathered a few subjects to talk about, seriously, but at the same time, not too much "intellectually", if you know what I mean.
The only two things I ask you to do are
a) THINK and
Is that so hard? J

Therefore I present a selection of my thoughts:

I'm the number one fan (at least, here) of the Scuderia Ferrari!!! .



... oh but the pain when looking at the car nowadays...
If it was bad enough for it to be painted tobacco red, now it is even cellphone white...
Just send the German guy away and stop humiliating yourselves (and us fans)!

Must have a (beauty) sleep of, at least, 10 hours.
So it's why I don't have the face of a model... PROBLEMS OF A WORKING MAN.
As they say in France, travail oblige...

Favourite law is the Nature and Efficiency Law
also know as "Law Of The Least Effort":
use always the minimum resources in order to achieve the best results.

Can't stand smoke, and particularly being smoked at.L

Patriot is the one that loves his homeland.
Nationalist is the (brainless) one that hates the other people.
I am patriot, thank you, and despise any nationalist.


As the animal that Man is, there are races, with none being better than other.
Everyone that thinks otherwise is not human.
Suggestions of whatever it is, accepted.

I am very competitive, and I HATE TO LOOSE. Alright, I admit it.

(Corollary of the previous)
I always want THE BEST of everything.
That's why, for instance, I've chosen the BEST AREA of the BEST COURSE of the BEST UNIVERSITY.


hit, hit, hit



So, now that you know me a little more, you've realised the reason I built this pages.
Sometimes, you will even find what in Portugal we call "playing with serious stuff", and it's referred to by psychologists as a catharsis, as we talk and laugh about what should and do make us cry.

I hope you'll enjoy it as I did when putting them up.

Playing with uncle
I got really weird
in this picture...



So, what if I'd be a FLAG??? I'd be something around this:


Very normal


Alternatively normal


It's Summer time!


Looking handsome!


Looking EVEN MORE handsome!


In Academic suit
(simple version)

Buttons of different kinds?

The first ones are for internal sections, the last for new sites.

Ye Master André's Gallery 
My graphic works.

Includes ateliers of flags and of pictures taken at 
and taken by me. A must see!!!

Federal Estontetsan Republic
An ImagiNation

Part of the role playing strategy game "ImagiNations".
Once upon a time, in the planet Vexillium...


Ye Chef André's Tavern
My recipes.

Want to lighten up your eating and drinking periods?
Please proceed!!!


A micronation

For strangers, an apartment.
For the citizens and friends, "The Republic". 

An illustrated postcard.

This is my homeland.
And for those unaware, it is the first unofficial page.


Vale de Santarém 
in the Internet 

For a town of such cathegory, 
it even looked bad not being represented.
Come on over! You can at least see the pictures. 


- Oh it was so good! He is truly very giftedd for the thing! Cremilde
- I'm not driving home any more. Congrats!Gil Bilha Nova
- We'll be back! Gervásio & Josefa Lópio<
- Luvdit,luvdit,luvdit! Willelmina Colasmmus
- A true stomach orgasm! Per R. Vert<
- Wow! I'm so full I can't even write!
Joe Mary Kenya

Your name or e-mail:

Comments? Great! Sign the guestbook on your right, or write back to
[email protected]

You'll be replied ASAP, that's for sure!!!

To Super Pinga's Home Page Copyright © ® 1997-2005
André Filipe Marques Serranho,
Super Pinga Produções

Created with WebEdit on Friday, 27/06/1997
Most recent revision on Friday, 11/02/2005

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws