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Thank you, Oda

Scheduled Courses

At present, courses in north Thailand will be taking place either in the quiet, serene and natural complex of Suan Pailom (Bamboo Garden) in the still-wild and jungle-like conservation area at the base of Doi Suthep mountain, near Chiang Mai University (about 15 minutes by public transportation from Tha Phae Gate),or in a lovely sunlit high-ceilinged room at the new Sunshine Thai-Yoga Massage School, a thai-style house in a quiet neighborhood 10 minutes from Chiangmai city center (see

A course near the city means that each participant is responsible for his/her own accomodation and meals and personal discipline during the course. Ther are different accomodation possibilities in the vicinity of the course location. For more information contact me directly.

Course Schedule

After almost 6 months in India I will be returning to Thailand in mid-Nvember for a limited period of time.

Courses in north Thailand of Three Lotus House will resume in the last week of November 2005. The tentative courses planned are:

Reiki Level 1: 5 days - Dec 2-6,2005

Reiki Level 2: 5-6 days - Dec 23-27/8,2005

Currently an option is being checked for Three Lotus House activities to be located in south India (Goa state) in January - March 2006 and north India (Dharamsala and/or Rishikesh area) from April 2006. If such plans will not come to pass, then regular courses will be held in north Thailand as before, beginning January 2006.

Shiatsu Comprehensive Program

The Intenive Shiatsu course mentioned below is composed of three 10-day segments (Levels 1,2,3) which can be learned one after the other or separately. Each segment contains different practical subject matter, although the working base stays the same. It s recommended to take them in the odered sequnce for maximum benefit. The Wu Xing and Knowing Touch workshops also deaild below are open to all, while being coplementary to the Shiatsu course and therefore the nitention is that they be taught in close proximity to it. Ideally, Knowing Touch before the Shiatsu intensive as a preparation to cultivate the correct attitude to bodywork and therapy. Wu Xing would be fitting at the end of the Shiatsu course o add another layer of understanding and experience, as they both relate to the same theoretical foundation of Chinese medicine and philosophy.

The intention is to run a full comprehensive 8-week program over a period of 10-12 weeks, that will include the three Shaitsu levels and the Knowing Touch and Wu Xing workshops, with breaks between the different segments. Thus, creating an adequate and serious learning experience in an enjoyable group atmosphere.

The intention is to begn such a prgram in the second week in January of 2006 either in Goa in south-west India or near Chiangmai in northern Thailand.

Exact dates for all activities will be set in the near future when all detaisl have been cleared up and locations are known.

New Workshops and Courses

Two new workshops and one long intensive course may be happening from October 2005!

- Living "Wu Xing" - An Intensive Personal Meeting with The Five Phases (Elements)
5-7 days of intensive exploration of the concept of the Wu Xing (Five Elements) as a tool for understanding your personal, inner world and life path as well as for self-growth. This workshop is intended for any person wishing to gain insight and understanding of their inner world on all levels - physical, mental, emoional - based on the ancient trdiional Chinse philosophy and worl view. For therapists this is a usful and powerful diagnostic tool that can enhance the treatment process. The workshop focuses on understanding by "feeling" and experiencing the elements -Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal - through practical experience in various mediums such as Qi Kong, Tao Yin, Meditation, Visualization, Sound, Drama, Movement, Voice and mostly the direct physical contact with nature. It is meant to be fun as well informative. Basic theory and nutritional aspects will also be approached during the workshop. This workshop will ideally be in retreat form in a place close to the nature elements.

- Knowing Touch
A 4-5 day workshop focusing on exploring the endless possibilities of communication through the body, contact and touch. How to "listen with our hands" and know the other's inner world. How to enhance our intuition through touch, "listen" to the body through touch and know what is needed in the Here and Now of every moment. A workshop for bodywork therapists, healers of all mediums, and for any person who wishes to flow smoothly with th erngies within and without.

Comprehensive Zen Shiatsu Course - 10-12 weeks

I have been considering teaching the shiatsu course in a longer and more comprehensive format that will include level 1 (2 weeks) , level 2 (2 weeks) and level 3 (2 weeks). A total of six weeks of teaching spread out over a period of 3 months, alternating 2 weeks of learning and one week of self-practice, meaning 6 weeks of practical study and a week in between each study segment to practice and integrate, with a possibility of supervised practice and intensive weekend workshops. The course will include:

- study of various positions: front, back, side, sitting,
- different bodywork techniques:rocking, energy work, matsunaga and namikoshi styles, basic othopedics
- specific treatments: abdominal work, neck, shoulders, head and face, arm and leg meridians
- basic theory of Chinese medicine, five elements, diagnostics and therapeutic principles
- Qi Kong, Dao Yin and meditation for personal development

If you are interested in this course please contact in advance. The course would be scheduled to start arond January 2006 and go on for 10-12 weeks until end of March. The course may be in Chiang Mai city or on retreat or in south India - as yet undecided. Number of participants is limtied so pre-registration advisable.

Persons who have learned shiatsu with me before and would like to participate as assistants, re-do a certain level or continue from where they stopped are welcome, please contact in advance and we can check out the various options.

General Coruse Information

  • Course minimum is 4 people, so a course will open if there is advanced sign-up of minimum 4 people participants.
  • Number of participants in each course is limited - please sign up in advance.
  • If a group course does not open, there is a possibility for a private one-on-one teaching (see below).

    Orientation Meeting
    Before each course there will be an orientation meeting with all the course participants, usually on Thursday or Friday afternoon of the week before the course starts (all courses start on a Monday).
    Zen Shiatsu Assistant
    Those who have completed Zen Shiatsu Level 1 course and wish to add to their knowledge and practice, and/or are waiting for a Level 2 course to begin, have the option to participate as assitants in on-going Level 1 courses. This should be coordinated in advance, since space is limited.
    Private Teaching
    There is an option for personal, one-on-one courses, if the circumstances are such that is is possible in regards to time and teaching space. This form of teaching can be done while another course is in session. If you are interested please contact me directly by email or telephone.

    Reiki Therapist
    This is an advanced course, for those who have completed Reiki level 2 and are interested in additional techniques (for more details Click Here). Teaching can be done in group or on a personal basis.

    Reiki Level 3
    This course, the Reiki Teacher (Master) course is taught on an individual personal basis, one-on-one, with emphasis on the personal needs of the student regarding personal practice and healing, teaching methodology, asssisting in courses, etc (for more details Click Here). Those interested pleae contact me directly by email or telephone.

    Zen Shiatsu Level 3
    This is an advanced course, for those who have completed Shiatsu Level 2 and are interested in additional bodywork techniques, deeper energy work, diagnosis techniques and Chinese medicine theory (for more details Click Here). Teaching can be done in group or on a personal basis.

    To summarize: Check your plans and the dates and contact me for registration. I make efforts to accomodate most participants and to find the best schedule possible.

    Checklist for information needed:

    - your travel plans, dates of arrival and leaving of Chiangmai (if any), flight limitations (if any), etc.

    - courses interested

    - possible/preferred dates

    - contact details - phone, name of Guesthouse with room number and telephone

    I can be reached at [email protected] and also by telephone to 053-892771 (local Chiang Mai number)
    (If the answering machine responds please leave a message with detailed information how I can get hold of you)
    If we can meet and talk it would be great. I like to meet the course participants before the course if possible.

    Light and Kindness

    May Peace Prevail on Earth


    For further information:
    Call Oda at: 053-892771
    Email: [email protected]

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