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Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho
- a healing method for personal development


  • Level 1 - 5 days (30 hours)

    Learn the basics of Reiki technique,its philosophy (the five principles) and its various uses; receive the traditional attunement/initiation to allow you to become a channel of Reiki; develop correct touch and learn how to treat yourself and others through hands-on healing; the course includes an introduction to meditation (anapanasati) and Qi Kong for cultivating self-awareness, relaxation and harmonization of the body's energy.

  • Certification - At the end of the course you receive a certificate attesting to the fact that you have been initiated into Reiki Level 1, should you be requested to show certification in order to continue to Level 2 with any other Reiki teacher.

    Cost - Sliding Scale Donation

    * You may read about the concept of sliding scale on the Donation page.

  • Level 2 - 5 days (30-35 hours)

    Receive the traditional attunement/initiation for second degree; learn in depth the basic traditional Usui Reiki symbols and their significance and uses though a variety of techniques, exercises and hands-on practice; develop a basic understanding of the Chakra Energy System and how to work with it in daily life through the Reiki practice.

    The course includes integration of basic practices of meditation (anapanasati) and Qi Kong for cultivating self-awareness, relaxation and harmonization of the body's energy, and also basic physical bodywork for general health and grounding.

  • Pre-requisite - In order to do Level 2 you must have done a Level 1 course beforehand, and usually it is best to have a time period in between both courses of at least 3 months, although this depends on each person's personal circumstances and will be discussed on an individual basis with the teacher.

    Certification - At the end of the course you will receive a certificate attesting to the fact that you have been initiated into Reiki Level 2, should you be requested to show certification in order to continue to Level 3 with any other Reiki teacher.

    Cost - Sliding Scale Donation
    *You may read about the concept of sliding scale on the Donation page.

  • Reiki Therapist - 4 days (25 hours)

    This course is meant for those of you who have already learned Reiki Level 2 and would like to delve even deeper into the journey of their Reiki practice.

    Enhance and deepen your personal practice and understanding of Reiki technique and its endless possibilities and applications to your own healing process and that of others; learn a technique directed towards a holistic healing process of past conditionings/traumas/patterns of body, mind and spirit; develop a deeper knowledge of the Chakra Energy System and a variety of forms to work with it in the Reiki practice; introduction to additonal diagnostic tools (scanning, pendulum).

    This course also focuses on the subject of being a therapist, being a facilitator, supporting the healing process of another and various relevant aspects such as therapist attitudes and self-cultivation, therapist-patient dynamics, and clinical ethics.

    The course includes integration of basic practices of meditation, Qi Kong and bodywork to cultivate self-awareness, relaxation and harmonization of the body's energy, and also basic physical bodywork for general health and grounding.

  • Certification - At the end of the course you will receive a certificate attesting to the fact that you have participated in the course

    Pre-requisite - In order to do the Reiki Therapist course you must have done a Level 2 beforehand, and usually it is best to have enough time in between the courses to have had personal experience and understanding of the technique. This depends on each person's personal circumstances and will be discussed on an individual basis with the teacher.

    Cost - Sliding Scale Donation
    *You may read about the concept of sliding scale on the Donation page.

  • Level 3 - Reiki Teacher (Master)

    Level 3 is the final level of initiation in the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. It is for those interested in receiving the initiation and the Master symbol, and wishing to share the Reiki technique through the process of teaching and transference of the transmission through initiation.

    To become a teacher to others is a very personal learning process and the course of Level 3 will be created on an individual basis with the person interested in learning following cnoversations and meetings with the teacher. In this way we can try to create a course that can fit the personal needs of the student based on each one's personal path, healing and transformation process, and also to give answers to personal issues that need to be addressed.

    The course may include the following: observation and assistance in couses of Level 1 and Level 2; observation and assistance in treatment sessions; teaching methodology; personal practices for self-cultivation; personal diagnosis and treatment; dealing wiht personal work on internal levels of body, mind and spirit, etc. Much depends on the individual intention, needs and aspirations of the student.

    Pre-requisite - In order to do Level 3 you must have done a Level 2 beforehand, and usually it is best to have enough time in between the courses to have had personal experience and understanding of the technique. This depends on each person's personal circumstances and will be discussed on an individual basis with the teacher.

    Certification - At the end of the course you will receive a certificate attesting to the fact that you have been initiated into Reiki Level 3, and are qualified to be a Reiki teacher.

    Cost - Sliding Scale Donation
    *You may read about the concept of sliding scale on the Donation page.

    Reiki Treatments

  • A channeling method for healing and personal transformation through harmonization of the chakras (energy centers), the aura and the physical body.
  • Release of blockages on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
  • Qi Kong

    Chinese exercises derived from traditional martial arts and based on Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Beneficial for strengthening the body, circulating the energy in the channels (meridians), activating the chakras and developing self-awareness to the flow of energy in the body.
  • Qi Kong will be taught in all Reiki courses as part of the daily program.
  • All Courses are run on donation.

    Home - Vision Statement - Donation - Shiatsu - Yoga - Treatments - Accomodation - Schedule - Directions - What To Bring - Making Contact

    For further information:
    Call Oda at: 053-892771
    Email: [email protected]
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