Three Lotus House Vision Statement

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When I think of what is my dream, my vision of what I would like Three Lotus House to become, I think of the following:

a center dedicated to the arts of healing and learning;

a place where people can come to receive and to learn useful tools which can assit them on their path of self-exploration, self-development and transformation;

a nucleus where people can meet, converge, and share their knowledge and experience;

a neutral common ground where we can meet from all over the world and be fully present beyond our human and worldly differences, and share from the place of our same-ness;

a space open to any one who sincerely wishes to participate (as teacher or student or other), to share of themsleves, to share the dream, to offer from the Heart, to simply Be.

Ideas/plans for Three Lotus House include:

Courses and Activities

•increasing the types of courses by bringing teachers on a permanent or temporary basis in the various fields of therapy, bodywork, movement, meditation, martial arts, etc.

•inviting and hosting teachers from abroad to teach Master Workshops in various fields of interest.

•holding regular, weekly or monthly meetings for people who practice a common healing technique or other practice; an opportunity to give and receive and share practical knowledge and time together. For example, Reiki share groups and circles, meditation sessions, therapist share groups, etc.

•hosting a variety of activities that happen in Chiang Mai area that fit the vision statement.


• upgrading and increasing the facilities and teaching spaces/rooms(dojos) to enable the teaching of more than one course at a time.

•adding more housing facilities to allow for slightly larger groups and also to enable for more than one course to run at one time.

•running a clinic (free or donation-based) for the local population, where course students can observe and practice their skills.

•creating and maintaining an organic garden to support the center's needs and also to enable those who wish to learn and experience through hands-on gardening.

Community Involvement

•initiating free activities for the local villages around the center, such as - regular classes in Qi Kong, Yoga, Tai Qi , open-house days for treatments an other activities.

•creating an alliance with local/regional/community organizations that work with special groups (for example AIDS/HIV clinics/hospices, detox/drug abuse programs, psychiatric hospital/clinics, orphanages, etc.) where teachers and students can organize and participate in meaningful activities such as treatments, classes, etc.

•initiating and/or participating in various local activities (such as recycling, organic growing, health awareness, etc..)

In the section on donation, there is a specific quoted as expenses. This sum is related to the actual expenses for the upkeep of the center and its activities in their present format. It does not take into consideration necessary funds for further growth and expansion, it is truly the "break even" point. If what you have read, seen, experienced and mostly felt "speaks" to your Heart, then you can also help in making this vision come true through your donation, in any way, anytime, anywhere, any place. Everything that can help is always welcome.

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For further information:
Call Oda at: 053-892771
Email: [email protected]
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