Directions to Three Lotus House

There are 3 ways of arriving to Three Lotus House. Regardless of which mode of transport you are arrriving with, it is helpful to get one of the Three Lotus House leaflets that are spread out around Chiang Mai city, they have a map on the back. You may also print out the map on this page. Together with the following instructions it should be quite easy.

1. Organized Group Transport

Course participants meet and discuss the possibility of taking a "taxi" together and sharing the expense. This means a direct arrival from a meeting point in the city to the Center or the Guesthouse. This can be decided at the meeting held with all the participants in Chaingmai before the course. The shared cost is approximately 300 Bhat for the whole group.

2. Arriving with your own mode of transport

The easiest way to get to Three Lotus House is to get on the highway that leaves Chiang Mai in a north-easterly direction towards the city of Chiang Rai. You can reach this highway by driving along the same road that Arcade Bus Station and McCormick Hospital are on. From the superhighway intersection it is about 27 kilometers (35-45 (minutes). After about 13 kilometers you will pass the turn-off to the town of Doi Saket; continue straight ahead an additional 13 kilometers until you see on your left side the sign for the village of Pong Din (Ban Pong Din). When you reach a junction with a Police Box right on the junction of the higway with a road coming in on the right side, carefully make a U-turn and follow the directions below from step #5.

3. Arriving by public transportation

a. On the map of Chiang Mai city on the back of the leaflets, east of the walled city (the moat), near the day market (Warorot Market) and very close to Prince Hotel, there is a yellow pick-up/taxi (in Thai "song thaw") station. These taxis are similar to a public transportation service with a route that runs on the road between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. The starting point is the station located on the corner of Thywang (say "Tai Wang")road and Ratchawong (say "Rachawang") road, in front of an Esso gas/petrol station.

b. All these taxis go towards Chiang Rai. To reach Three Lotus House you must tell the driver that you want to get off at the place on the leaflet that says 'Ha Chiang Hill Resort' (which is where the center is located) or, if you have a regular map of the area, at a village called Ban Pong Din (this is the village near Three Lotus House). You may also tell this to any local person sitting with you on the taxi; people here are very friendly and helpful.

c. The taxi stops along the way and also makes a 10-15 minute stop at a town called Doi Saket, which is half-way between Chiang Mai and Three Lotus House. People here get on and off from the local market. Stay on!

d. You may be dropped off right in front of the gate of Three Lotus House (Ha Chiang Hill Resort), in which case you will see a traditional Thai-style wooden gate,with a big wooden drum outside (looks like a cannon) and a fence made of stones and wooden cartwheels. There is a big sign on the gate that says "Ha Chiang Hill Resort" and a smaller one of Three Lotus House. Cin ross the highway and walk through the gate. Continue to step # 6

e. There is a good chance that you may be dropped off at the junction of the highway with the road that leads to Ban Pong Din. There is a Police Box right at the junction. In this case, cross the highway and walk back along it (in the direction of Chiang Mai) for about 150 meters until you see the big wooden gate of Ha Chiang Hill Resort and the Three Lotus House sign.

f. Once through the gate, follow the signs of Three Lotus House. You will enter an area that looks like a big park. Walk straight ahead about 100 meters, crossing a bridge and passing a small lake on your left.

g. On your right you will see a wooden house with a balcony and Tibetan prayer flags. You have arrived! WELCOME!

Some technical details:

- The taxi ride is 20 bhat. If you have big packs, many pieces of luggage or bicycle you may be charged and extra 5-10 Bhat per piece.

- The ride is 27 kilometers and takes about 45-60 minutes.

- Taxis run between the hours of 6:00 and 18:00. They leave the station every 20 minutes - on the half hour of every hour, and 10 minutes after the hour and 10 minutes to the hour.

It seems complicated but it isn't. Good Luck!

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