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Are you a shameless drunk?

Never. Only at gatherings, parties, and social events.

Do you smoke?

No. Only when posing for photos.

Are you a good conversationalist?

The Best. In fact my friends say I can never shut up!

I understand that you are reading renowned physicist Stephen Hawkings' "A Brief History of Time?"

Untrue. That was a vicious rumor started by some librarian staff member. I respect Hawkings and his works but I just don't have... the time.

Have you read "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?

More than a decade ago; way before this tremendous mainstream popularity. Back then Tolkien fans quietly met to discuss about the books. We were hunted down and persecuted by the school's upper cliques. Times have changed now. The books are selling exponentially, the movies are profiting in unbelievable millions, and a person could get beaten up for not liking Tolkien.

If you were any animal in this world what you be and why?

Human because we can eat almost anything in this world.

Why not a pig? They can eat a lot of varieties as well.

Pigs and humans indeed are no different. Though if you put those two on a secluded island who do you think will win?

What is your opinion on Global Warming?"

At least it is not Global Chilling. Did you know during the last Ice Age the sun's rays refracted from all that ice?

No. That is very interesting.

I'm sure those people back then would've desired Global Warming.

What do you think about the solutions for reducing traffic congestion?"

Don't get me started.

This topic revs you up?

Absolutely. Governments and private companies want toll booths to charge drivers, hoping this will encourage them to ride the buses and trains. At the same time transit fares rise higher during the same time some board member needs a pay raise. Those who ride the transit can not afford a car nor maintain the costs of one. Furthemore the youth want the latest sleek cars and avoid from using a bus again. Do those transit members think a family is willing to take a bus when drug dealers and smelly people take up the seats ... When toxic graffitti adorn the windows ... When untouched garbage lie scattered everywhere?

Probably not.

I'd force those board members to actually ride a bus. Then they'll know.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Sure. As long as she is willing to give me a chance for a second sight.

What do you think about racial intolerance?

Waste of time. People shouldn't dislike each other because of skin or background. What really matters is A) The person is annoying or B) The person is leaving me alone. Society needs a development of social etiquette. There were times when someone discriminated against me so I discriminated back. But our feud ended when we both found good movie seats.

I think government intolerance is a bigger issue. They violently infringe on other countries or on their own. To borrow a past colloquial expression that was common a fews years back - "Don't hate."


"...My friends say I can never shut up! "
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