
(Just don't have what it takes to be heroines and most didn't even survive for the sequel!)
Hold mouse over image for movie title.

A Nightmare on Elm StreetA Nightmare on Elm Street 2A Nightmare on Elm Street 4The Addams FamilyAddams Family ValuesAnguishBlair Witch ProjectCarrieCarrie

The Rage: Carrie 2ClimaxCount Yorga VampireCount Yorga VampireCreature from the Black LagoonCreature of DestructionCurse of the Aztec MummyCurse of FrankensteinCurse of the Undead

Daughter of Dr. JekyllDemon Seed Devil Girl From MarsDracula 1979Dracula has Risen from the GraveEmbrace of the VampireEvil Speak Eye of the DevilFinal Destination

FrankensteinFriday the 13thFriday the 13thFriday the 13thFriday the 13th Part IIFriday the 13th Part IIIFriday the 13th Part VFriday the 13th Part VII Halloween

HalloweenHalloweenHalloween IIHalloween IIHalloween IIHalloween IIHalloween IIHalloween II


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