New Stuff at the House of Ketracel-White!

If you've visited the House of Ketracel-White before, and don't want to wade through everything you've seen before to get to the brand-spankin' new stuff, then you're in luck. Listed below are all the improvements that have been made to the House so that you can link there quickly and avoid the reruns.

12/23/99: Added a page all about your host: The Mysterious Ketracel-White

12/23/99: Added a list of other customizers who make: Figures for Sale

5/3/00: Added a page for the: Dead Jedi Project

5/3/00: Added a page for: Totally Evil Star Trek

5/3/00: Added a page for the: Simpsons!

9/19/00: Added an Indiana Jones mini-adventure: Temple of the Frog Gods

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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