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As you pass through this portal and into my world, relax and dream with me of a place where you can be completely at peace, not only with yourself but with all that surrounds you. All are welcome to enter here and perhaps find some solace from the worries of everyday life in these troubled times we inhabit. Some of the sights you will encounter may disturb you. They are here for the purpose of information only. We must all endeavor to stay informed of the pitfalls which exist in order to avoid them. Other sights are meant to entertain or in my small way bring some pleasure to those who visit. You will find one page dedicated to the art of relaxation. I hope you will visit there and gain benefit from my teachings. You will on occasion see a white dove fly through these pages. This is my own "Dove of Peace" and it is my wish that she will bring love, peace, and tranquility to you as you travel throughout these pages..

I trust you to begin your journey with an open mind, and more importantly, an open heart.
Come with me now into my world of dreams.

Author of above graphic anonymous by request.


Visitors please note that all my pages have music which you may turn off or down
by "right clicking" on the small icon located at the top
or in the upper left corner of each page.

If the above menu is not working for you,
please use the links below to navigate my site.

Homepage * Missing Children Alert * Meaningful Things * Original Poetry * Our Veterans * Our Natural World * Native American Pages * Relaxation Tips * Adopt-A-Graphic * My Tennessee Home * My Family Album * Friends * Favorite Links * Cool Visual Stuff! * Webrings/Memberships * My Awards * My C/W Dance Pages


Quote of the Week

~~Please take a moment to sign my dreambook~~
sign book
~~I love to get mail!~~
~~Thank You~~


I would like to thank the following for his help and support
with the creation of my first webpage in December of 1998:


Please visit my "other" website while you are here.



I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web


North & South award
I am pleased to announce that this site has won it's 1st Award
Thank you so very much.
I am also honored to have received the following Award
TM Award
Other Awards are on my "Awards" Page.


Angel of Mercy
This Guardian Angel Watches over my Website.
Thank you, Debby, for allowing me to "adopt" her as my own.

Spirit Guide
Thanks, Spider, For this Spirit Guide
to give me Wisdom and Courage.

Children logo
If you did not visit my Missing Children Page,
Please do so now by clicking on the above image.



blackout button

This Site has been inspected and meets the requirements of the following:

child safe icon Family-Friendly Site rsac icon

West The Rail East
My site is a Junction on the Whistle Stop Train

You may continue your journey by clicking on the tracks from this page or from My Tennessee Home page.
If you have never taken a ride on "The Train" hop on aboard, but after visiting my site, of course!

Web-page Visitor - Communicate with BlakidSuzn
by using this ICQ Communication Panel

You can ICQ-Page the owner of this webpage or you can EmailExpress her. In both cases, your message will instantly deliver to her. If she is online, it will popup on her screen, if she is offline - it will be stored and forwarded to her as soon as she connected to the internet. You can also search the ICQ number of other users and page them as well.

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Proud to say I am a Member of:

PSP logo

WARP icon web guard icon web prestige icon


Debby Logo
My Certificate of adoption for the "Angel of Mercy"
You can adopt your own Guardian Angel by visiting Debby's Website.

The music you are listening to is "Sweet Reverie" composed by Tom Williams. Thank you, Tommy, for sharing your dreams with us through your music and allowing me the privelege of using it here in my little corner of the web.


Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.

Background header made with the Goddess Art of Johnathon Earl Bowser.
J.E.B. banner

You can get your own Dreambook like mine by clicking on the logo to your left.


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This site established on January 4, 1999 by: BlakidSuzn

Updated: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:14 AM


Copyright � 1999-2004 BlakidSuzn

BIS Web Designs

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