The Lonely Hunter

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This lone wolf appears to have a solitary life. In the early morning hours, perhaps she is on a search for food to feed her hungry young pups left in her den many miles away. Or is she alone? Thanks to the efforts of the many who have joined together for her protection, she will never be alone again. Join me in supporting organizations which protect and preserve our environment and all creatures who share out planet. Links to some of these organizations are found below. Please visit their sites.

Remember that the term "ENDANGERED" means we still have time to make a difference!


Man did not weave the web of life. We are but one thread in it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are
bound together. All things connect.

~ Chief Seatle ~

"As the day slips away, the ancient stones whisper their wisdom
to families living in harmony with Sky and Earth. I feel man pass
beside me. As I am, he is. We are related in responsibility to walk
our own path, separate yet united, in the Miracle of Life"



Original music composed by Tom Williams III,

Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.

Thank you, Tommy for giving me permission to use "Phases of Love" on my site.

NRDC NRDC Online, from the Natural Resources Defense Council, covers the e-zone, where environmental news, thought, opinion, data and trivia collect. With four separate webs, each geared to a distinct set of interests and needs, it's the most all-purpose environmental site around. Whether you're an armchair activist interested in doing something, a student with questions only an expert could answer, a professional in need of the latest findings, or just a well-informed person who wants to stay that way -- if you're looking for something environmental, you'll find it here.

TNC The mission of Nature Conservancy is to preserve plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

SierraClub The Sierra Club has one of the most comprehensive sites on the web for information related to environmental issues. For more than 100 years, this well run organization been an outspoken supporter of natural resources and animal rights.

You can help save the Rainforest by visiting this site daily. Sponsors will donate land to preserve the rainforest for you. You can also sign their petition by clicking on the link they provide.

Save the  Chimps Chimpanzees share 98.4% of their DNA with Humans, closer than their relationship with either gorillas or orangutans. Despite being an endangered species, their numbers continue to decline. Please visit this websit and learn how you can help to save one group of chimpanzees from a disasterous future.

WWF The World Wildlife Fund hosts a website full of information on the environment and various forms of wildlife. Take the "Pledge" here and get a free screensaver.

NWF The National Wildlife Foundation has a wonderful resourse for environmental education and information on what you can do to take action. They have a special section just for kids, too!


The oldest humane organization in the Western Hemisphere, founded in 1866 is a leader in ensuring the humane treatment of animals.

North American Wolf Association

There has never been a documented case in North America in which a healthy wolf attacked a human being. Learn more about these fascinating and intelligent creatures by visiting this site.

Visit Tigress' site to learn more about wolves.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

The Mission of the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

The Bear Den

Everything you ever wanted to learn about bears, from habitat to habits can be found here.


Please visit this site. Lot's of information here!

gray wolf
Courtesy of Tigress

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Page created on Jan. 8th 1999 by:
Updated: Saturday, January 01, 2000 01:46 PM

Original Text � 1999 by: BlakidSuzn

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