desk welcome

Welcome to my Writing Room.


Thank you for stopping here on your travels through the web.
I am just beginning this journey into the hidden facets of my own mind. I may have to face many things about myself that I may not wish to see, but I hope in this way I can learn and perhaps grow. I plan to include a diversity of subject matter here. You may gain some insight into just who I am and what my innermost thoughts might be by reading some of the original works I will post for you to peruse. My wish is not to make you laugh, or to bring a tear to your eye, but to have you stop for just one moment and actually think about what I have written. If what you find here has a positive effect on you in any way, then I will have achieved my goal.

Please take a moment to sign my Guestbook after you have read my work to let me know you were here.
I would greatly appreciate it.

This page is only in it's initial stages, so the offering is limited at present,
but I will be adding more as time permits.




Use the menu below to navigate my site.

Homepage * Missing Children Alert * Meaningful Things * Original Poetry * Our Veterans * Our Natural World * Native American Pages * Relaxation Tips * Adopt-A-Graphic * My Tennessee Home * My Family Album * Friends * Favorite Links * Cool Visual Stuff! * Webrings/Memberships * My Awards * My C/W Dance Pages


The music you are listening to is "Sweet Reverie" composed by Tom Williams. Thank you, Tommy, for allowing me the priveledge of using it here on my webpages.


Original music composed by Tom Williams III,

Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.

symphony graphics

Page created on Jan. 6th, 1999
Original text � 1999 by: BlakidSuzn

BIS Web Designs

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