
This page will be under constant construction.
Here I will be posting my Personal Thoughts about various subjects. Be sure to come back often to see what may show up here next!
There goes my dove again! *smile*



verbal abuse

Stop the Cycle!

If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, do not wait until it's too late. Seek help now! Contact your nearest Social Services Agency for assistance in locating the appropriate help for the situation. If you suspect a child is a victim of abuse, it is your duty to report it. In most cases, this is done on an anonymous basis.
Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at:


Purple Ribbon
I suport the Purple Ribbon Project



What is a Friend?

There are those among us who are truly blessed with friends. I consider myself fortunate to have been blessed with several in my life. It has been said that a person will be able to count their true friends throughout a lifetime on one hand. We may have many "aquaintences" that we are "friendly" with, but would they get out of bed in the middle of the night and come to our side just to let us cry on their shoulder? A true friend would do this and never ask for anything in return. My friend Kathy is such a friend. Kathy, if you see this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have always been there for me and I will gladly be there for you should the need ever arise.

"Friendship makes posterity more shining and lessons adversity
by dividing and sharing it."
~ Cicro ~



The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible. Please
help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to
someone for their site, by passing it on to another continent, or to the conflict areas of the world....



Bed-time Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
Do CPR for goodness sake!

CPR is one of the most valuable lessons you can learn. If you don't know CPR, contact the nearest local chapter of The American Heart Association or The Red Cross to find out when a class is being held. If you have taken a class in CPR in the past, check your card to see if you need to have it renewed. Don't let the opportunity to save a life pass by.

Visit the following websites for more information:
The American Heart Association
The Red Cross




There are other living creatures who share our planet besides us humans. All living thing can live together in peace and harmony with just a little effort put forth. Try to make a difference in another life. See what you can do to stop the abuse of those who cannot speak for themselves and help protect their homes by visiting my Nature Page and by visiting these wonderful sites below.

gable banner

memphis jan banner


Causes I Support

Please Recycle!
Our natural resourses are NOT unlimited!

Help stamp out WORLD HUNGER by visiting this site!

Pink Ribbon Campaign
Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

National Marrow 
Donor Program Logo
National Bone Marrow Donor Program

Help keep our children safe online.

I recently had the privelege of meeting a very special person through a chance visit to a website. It is one of the warmest and most touching tributes to a Mother I have ever seen. For insight into what it is like not only to lose a loved one, but to go through the process of being the caregiver to one you love during the final stages of failing physical health and altered mental status, please visit this site.
Tribute To Momma


sign mail

Page me on ICQ. If I'm online, I'll get it right away.
If I'm offline, I'll get your message when I sign on.

Use the menu below to navigate my site.

Homepage * Missing Children Alert * Meaningful Things * Original Poetry * Our Veterans * Our Natural World * Native American Pages * Relaxation Tips * Adopt-A-Graphic * My Tennessee Home * My Family Album * Friends * Favorite Links * Cool Visual Stuff! * Webrings/Memberships * My Awards * My C/W Dance Pages

Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!


"Verbal Abuse" and "Friendship Quote" courtesy of:
VB&I logo

"Bless The Beasts & The Chidren" courtesy of:
Glenn's Rockin' Midi Site

Original text � 1999 by: BlakidSuzn

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