Free Internet Training Course for

Lesbians and Gay Men in Manchester




Below are details of a Free Internet Training Course for Lesbians and Gay Men living and working in Manchester. This special offer is for a limited time only. Therefore don't delay in registering your interest. You can register your interest by telephoning Michael on 0161 232 0736 or by sending an email to [email protected]. To benefit from this one time offer, you must have registered your interest by the 1st August 1998.

 Aims and Objectives.

 To enable lesbians and gay men to have an overview and a greater understanding of the advantages and the many uses of the Internet.

To enable users of the Internet to make better use of:



Internet Relayed Chat (IRC)

World Wide Web.

To identify ways in which users can save both costs and time by the effective use of the Internet and to introduce a variety of Internet software that will enable this.

The Course will include:


Getting the Most from the Internet

This will include money saving tips, carrying out searches on the net, how to monitor your connection and Internet activity, using email more effectively.

 Internet, Home Pages and Chat

 What is the Internet? What do you want to use it for? Developing homepages and having a presence on the net, using IRC (Internet Relayed Chat) and communicating with others.

 Internet and other Resources

 This section will include an introduction to the vast amount of software available to carry out your internet activities and where to find it, Internet Service Providers and what to look for in a provider.

 Administrative Details.

This training course is a new course being offered to the lesbian and gay community in Manchester. The course will be tailor made to suit the needs and requirements of those taking part. To make this possible, all participants will receive an extensive form before the course takes place. The purpose of this form is two fold. 

  1. To gain as much information as possible on how much a participants already knows about the Internet and their experiences so far and to engage what participants want to get out of the course.
  2. To enable participants to identify what do they want to use the Internet primarily for and what software and resources they need to make the Internet (and computer) to work for them in the way that they want.

 All participants will receive handouts, and information on special offers available. Other information will be available which will include:


A catalogue of Internet software available.

An extensive Resource Directory of Web addresses.

A list of Internet Newsgroups available

A list of IRC Channels.

Other Information on making the best use of the net. 

As the course is initially free, the additional information mentioned above will only be available for a small charge to cover printing costs.

Resource Guide and Web Directory.

Currently being written and developed is an extensive Resource Guide and Web Directory. This Resource Guide will be different and unique in many ways. To find out more click on the link below which will direct you to a complete web site dedicated to this Resource Guide. The site will tell you why the Resource Guide will be different, why yet another guide, the contents page plus the web directory headings.

The site also gives individuals an opportunity to make suggestions on what you would like to see included, ask any questions either about the guide or about the web generally. The questions asked will then be made up into a section of the guide that will be called "Frequently Asked Questions"

 Are you interested in the Internet training course?

 To register your interest, please contact Michael on

0161 232 0736 Or [email protected].


Don’t forget the free offer expires on the 1st August 1998,



An Introduction to True Identity and the Need for True Identity.

The "Skills for Life" Training Programmes.

Workshops and Other Services Planned and Being Developed by True Identity.

What have Past Participants Said about the Training Courses Available.

Introducing Michael Watling, The Tutor of the Training Services.

Internet Resource Guide and Web Directory Publication Details.

Issues Affecting the Lesbian and Gay Community and the Affects of Discrimination..

Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men who Live in Rural Areas.

[email protected]

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