The "Skills for Life" Training Programmes


This lists the training "Skills for Life" Training Programmes and other training services which are available from True Identity. In total they are 14 training programmes available.

As well as these training programmes, there are a total of 20 additional training programmes that fall under the categories of

  1. Management Development
  2. Sex, Sexuality and Sexuality
  3. Diversity and Discrimination.

The programmes which fall under the above headings are not listed in these pages - but are available on request by sending an email to [email protected] and a full detailed brochure will be sent out listing these programmes as well as giving more details on the programmes listed below. As well as offering training programmes to individuals we provide training courses to organisations on an whole range of themes which broadly fit into the above categories.

The programmes listed below are primarily aimed at individuals and groups.

How to be Positive About Yourself.

This programme will enable participants to establish the importance of having a positive view of oneself. It will enable participants to develop the skills for achieving and maintaining a positive self-image and counter the cultural idea that being positive about oneself is arrogant or boastful and will produce a positive climate in which awareness of strengths are increased and positive reinforcement is available.

How to be Assertive.

This programme will enable participants to distinguish between assertive, aggressive and non-assertive behaviour; understand the advantages of being assertive, but also the dangers; emphasis the importance of 'appropriateness' as a skill to be practised alongside assertiveness and have an opportunity to practice assertiveness skills.

How to Manage Negative Emotions.

This programme will enable participants to recognise accurately what they are feeling and distinguish between feelings which help and those that hinder. Participants will learn how not be overwhelmed by 'bad' feelings, and to demonstrate how to use them to produce more positive outcome; identify where 'bad' feelings come from and develop the skills for recognising and challenging 'bad' feelings in oneself.

How to Communicate Effectively.

This programme will enable participants to develop the awareness of the part played by inter-personal communication in their life and the factors that will interfere with face-to-face communication. Participants will additionally identify those factors that will contribute to effective face-to-face communication and distinguish between verbal and non-verbal factors in one-to-one communication and have an opportunity to practice and receive feedback about different types of communication.

How to Make, Keep or End Relationships.

Many people feel that happiness is somehow tied up with their relationships. This programme introduces the idea of equality as the basis of good relationships, and explores the importance of good communication and negotiation skills, encouraging participants to take responsibility for their own needs whilst still caring for others.

This programme will enable participants to realise why relationships are so vital and understand that relationships do not simply happen but that they are developed and need to be made to work; know the behaviours, knowledge and skills which can help or hinder in making and maintaining relationships and become aware of their own skills for making, maintaining and ending relationships. Additionally participants will understand the concept of appropriate self-disclosure; identify those people to whom they have difficulty in relating, and to understand why, and how it makes them feel and identify what they value in the relationships that they wish to maintain and develop.

How to Prevent and Manage Stress.

It is common for people to find stress-related problems more difficult to come to terms with than physical pain. And even when we know what is causing our anxiety, how many of us actually deal with the problems appropriately, if at all? Without proper guidance, people can struggle with stress.

Managing Stress uses group exercises to help participants understand how stress arises and how it affects them and how to recognise stress in other people. It looks at the way we interpret life situations, and how are patterns of stress arises from this. It goes onto present a broad set of skills that will enhance participants’ ability to manage stress, assisting their growth as individuals.

How to Learn from Experience.

This programme will enable participants to discover the learning potential in a wide variety of experiences, both positive and negative. Participants will recognise the value of reviewing and reflecting, not only on the past and present but also to the future and identify strategies for learning from their own experiences by recording, reviewing and assessing. Additionally participants will be able to describe their own experiences more explicitly and to use a framework for learning from themselves and have an opportunity to practice the skills of learning from experience as well as consider how they can learn through the effective use of other people's experiences.

How to Give and Receive Feedback.

This programme will enable participants to understand the concepts of positive and negative feedback; examine the difficulties they can experience in the giving and receiving of feedback and identify and practice the skills in the giving and receiving of feedback and explore the appropriateness of feedback in a variety of inter-personal situations.

Coming (and being) 'OUT' to Family, Friends and at Work.

This programme will enable lesbian and gay men to have an opportunity to share their personal experiences of coming 'OUT' and explore what they find difficult about coming 'OUT' and to learn from others who have managed it successfully. Additionally participants will have an opportunity to explore the advantages and disadvantages of coming 'OUT' to one's family, friends and at work; look at ways in which they can be helpful and supportive to themselves and other people when they decide to come ‘OUT’. The legal implications will also be considered including employment law and their rights and an opportunity to look at real life case studies that have gone to Industrial Tribunals.

Caring for Yourself.

Often the one person we take less care of than anyone else is ourself. This programme is the key to self-development and care, with thought provoking exercises on setting personal, exploring different aspects of self-esteem, equality and inequality and what it means to be an adult.

Our own responsibilities and their limits are explored, leading to a better, broader understanding of the process of personal development and enabling participants to develop better relationships with themselves.


Thinking Rationally.

We all think irrationally at times - and this can lead to irrational feelings and actions. This programme helps participants to analyse the thinking behind their emotions and behaviour, and helps them to understand the impact which events have on their emotions - both at home and in the workplace.

Many of us hold irrational beliefs, about ourselves, other people and their motives, and life itself. This programme provides practice in using rational arguments to dispel these, enabling participants to reassess their sense of self-worth and value, to examine the nature of guilty and fearful feelings, and to take a more realistic view of life.

 Planning and Organising.

Have you ever felt that life was out of control, that it was running you rather than you running it, that you were dealing with crises rather than travelling your chosen path?

This programme is intended to give participants more control over their lives and teaches the skills of setting realistic, achievable life goals, finding time to devote to them despite other conflicting demands, and maintaining sufficient motivation to reach them, even if they are distant and difficult.

Creative Problem Solving.


Every day we are bombarded with problems to solve and decisions to make. From what meals to cook to what job to do. When faced with many possible paths we may have difficulty deciding which one to take. And when we have taken one we may be unclear why we made that choice.

This programme introduces a simple seven-step scheme that can be used to solve and make decisions. It takes participants through the key processes of defining, weighing up possible solutions, choosing the best of these, gaining the support from others, and then putting the chosen solution into practice.

Managing Anger and Conflict.

We all feel like screaming at times when situations make us feel angry and frustrated. Some of us will scream, and yet many of us hold back our true feelings and pretend everything is fine. Repressing anger can lead to festering resentment and other emotional and physical problems. Finding a happy medium between over and under control of our anger can help us to use our anger in a constructive way.

The Programme is designed to help group members become more comfortable with their angry feelings and give practice in the skills of using anger to solve problems constructively.

An Introduction to True Identity and the Need for True Identity.

Details of a Free Internet Course for Lesbians and Gay Men in Manchester.

Workshops and Other Services Planned and Being Developed by True Identity.

What have Past Participants Said about the Training Courses Available.

Introducing Michael Watling, The Tutor of the Training Services.

Internet Resource Guide and Web Directory Publication Details.

Issues Affecting the Lesbian and Gay Community and the Affects of Discrimination..

Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men who Live in Rural Areas.

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