Introducing Michael Watling.



Michael Watling is the Trainer of the "Skills for Life" and the Internet training programmes.

Michael was shunted between foster homes and children's homes more then fourteen times in a period of just ten years. Michael's father committed suicide when Michael was three and his mother died in a house fire when he was nine, however she was severely mentally ill and would beat, starve and locked him away for long periods of time.


He left care when he was seventeen with no preparation for surviving in the outside world. He had to learn the skills for himself in order to beat the system in which he grew up and to survive alone.

Michael worked as a Personnel Officer for five years and two years as a Trainer for a large children's charity. Additionally Michael worked four years as an interpersonal skills trainer for the Lesbian and gay community in London. And has also worked in residential care, and as a Project Worker, preparing young people for independent living on an emotional and practical level.

Michael has spent most of his adult life supporting and enabling others to take control of their lives and get rid of the barriers which stop them being the person they really could be.

Michael is currently writing an Internet and Resource Guide and has designed the Internet Training Courses and all the other training programmes available from True Identity for the benefit of the lesbian and gay community.

True Identity has worked with a number of organisations, offering a whole range of training and consultancy services and references can be supplied on request.

An Introduction to True Identity and the Need for True Identity.

The "Skills for Life" Training Programmes.

Details of a Free Internet Course for Lesbians and Gay Men in Manchester.

Workshops and Other Services Planned and Being Developed by True Identity.

What have Past Participants Said about the Training Courses Available.

Internet Resource Guide and Web Directory Publication Details.

Issues Affecting the Lesbian and Gay Community and the Affects of Discrimination..

Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men who Live in Rural Areas.

[email protected]

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