An Introduction to and the Need for True Identity



Welcome to True Identity, a unique national non-profit making service whose primary aim is to enhance the quality of life and the relationships that lesbians and gay men wish to make, maintain and develop. This is primarily achieved by offering a variety of unique, enjoyable, exciting and affordable "Skills for Life" training programmes which will enable and empower lesbians and gay men to make informed choices and decisions and take control of all aspects of their life and relationships.

Objectives of True Identity.


The Specific objectives of True Identity are to enable lesbians and gay men to:

Increase their self confidence and self-esteem;

Learn from others with similar experiences and difficulties;

Deal with the things that prevent them from being the person they really want to be and become more successful in the many different aspects of their life;

Enhance and improve everyday relationships with family, friends, colleagues and partners

Grow emotionally strong and stable;

Learn from experiences and mistakes;

Become more aware of themselves, their own needs and the needs of others;

Take responsibility for their own sexual behaviour and health;

Enjoy their sexuality and be able to express themselves emotionally;

Increase self-awareness, a sense of responsibility and the skills to avoid and resist unwanted life's experiences and relationships.

Re-affirm what they may already be aware off, but may have not put into practice.

The Need for True Identity

 Many lesbians and gay men have a very low self-image and can often think negatively of themselves and their sexuality. They have often been conditioned from a young age believing that being gay is wrong and not normal. Even if not told directly they may pick up these messages from the media, schools and peers.

Many lesbians and gay men hide their true selves from the outside world which in turn suppresses a lot of different emotions which are not able to be expressed in a positive and healthy way. These hidden feelings can turn in on themselves resulting in lesbians and gay men feeling abnormal and different from their neighbours and may feel an outcast from society. Hiding these real feelings can make lesbians and gay men feel very lonely and isolated and as a result may hate themselves and may often feel depressed and anxious. Many lesbians and gay men have spent so long denying a big part of their life that at the end of the day, who are they? What is their identity? And what does it mean to be a happy gay person?

True Identity by providing the 'Skills for Life' training programmes can enable lesbians and gay men over a period of time to find their own self worth and begin to increase their self confidence, self esteem and begin to live a happy and fulfilling life, working on undoing their prior conditioning and starting afresh. The training programmes provided will be of benefit to all, whether individuals can relate to the above issues and feelings or just want to improve their lifeskills, relationships and to re-affirm their beliefs and values.

Taking part in the 'Skills for Life' training programmes can be the start of a great new and exciting adventure. They will encourage the acquisition of personal and interpersonal skills to enable individuals to live life more effectively, taking greater charge of their own life. The programmes can begin the process to enable lesbians and gay men to develop and master the skills for life and the awareness to make a more confident, more responsible and a more skilled contribution to the systems in which lesbians and gay men live and work.


The "Skills for Life" Training Programmes.

Details of a Free Internet Course for Lesbians and Gay Men in Manchester.

Workshops and Other Services Planned and Being Developed by True Identity.

What have Past Participants Said about the Training Courses Available.

Introducing Michael Watling, The Tutor of the Training Services.

Internet Resource Guide and Web Directory Publication Details.

Issues Affecting the Lesbian and Gay Community and the Affects of Discrimination..

Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men who Live in Rural Areas.

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