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  Languages Department

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IN 1934 University Rector Fr. Silvestre Sancho, O.P. created a University wide Department of English. Dr. Jose M. Hernandez was the first appointed head. The 50th Anniversary souvenir programme mentions that in the early 60's, the College of Science came up with its own Department of English. The Department was tasked with seeing to honing communications skills in reading and writing, encouraging and nurturing a love for literature, and inculcating, as valuable side effects, important Filipino values and Christian virtues.

Until 1983, there was in the College an English department, as well as a Filipino and Spanish Department. In SY 1990-91, these departments were fused by the University into the Department of Languages. The College of Science followed suit. The first head of the University Department of Languages was Dr. Milagros Tanlayco. Prof. Fideliza G. Noel was Coordinator for Languages in the College of Science.

The Science student, in whatever course, takes 6 units of English Communication Skills, 6 units of Literature, 3 units of Development Reading, 3 units of Technical writing, and 3 units of Art Appreciation. Required also are 6 units of Spanish as well as 6 units in Filipino.

In English, the department pushes a reading program for enjoyment at the onset when the student is a freshman and is required to read at least four books - two per semester, one of which is fiction and the other, non-fiction. In the second year required readings include the biography of St. Thomas Aquinas. When the student takes Technical Writing, non-fiction reading like The History of Time, Global Paradox, and The Third Wave make up the reading requirement. More emphasis on the need to read - and read well - is given with the inclusion of English 105 (Developmental Reading) as replacement of Lit 123.

Post Coordinators of English in the College of Science were the Eminent Dr. Carolina Garcia (also at one time the president of the Faculty Association of the College of Science), Dr. Trinidad Ames, Prof. Lulu dela Rosa, and Dr. Milagros Tanlayco (who was the first Secretary of the College of Science).

The Languages Department takes care of all needed representations and entries in Speech and Writing fora, contests and programs. Students chosen as College "entries" in such affairs are trained and coached by the members of the department. The Department also oversees the Lulu dela Rosa Memorial Foundation On-the-Spot Essay Writing Contest in English and in Filipino.


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