
Who am I ?


Pyrrhonist Bible Index

Selected Poems

Pearls of Wisdom


Epigrams & Epitaphs

The "Chosen" Ones

The Mind of W Kite

Further Reading

A Little While The Protocols Observations Facts The Talmud Adolph
Tragedy and Hope

The Grand Design

Kol Nidre Jews Must Live


"For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God:  the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people;  for ye were the fewest of all people:   But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, ... "   

Deuteronomy 7:6-8. -  King James Version.<
And so, with this divine "pat on the back", which carried no pre-conditions, it is not surprising that the Jewish people feel that they are a cut above the best. They see themselves as the "divinely chosen ones", the aristocracy, the privileged class among humanity, born to be rulers, and they diligently instruct their offspring, consciously or otherwise, in this concept of superiority.
Regardless of their religious beliefs, be they orthodox, progressive, liberal, agnostic or even atheistic, they all accept that they are different from the common herd, though few would admit to it in public.
Their children are brought up in a diet of religious intolerance towards all other faiths, of being "special", and of personal and group persecution (real or imagined) which makes them look upon all gentiles with suspicion and distrust and, in many cases, with plain hatred.
Yet, whatever real persecutions they have suffered at the hands of the Gentiles, such as their expulsion from most countries in  Europe, the reason behind these evictions has always been presented as being due to Gentile intolerance, greed, envy, and so on. The fault always lays with the French, the Portuguese, the English, etc. etc., never in the possibility that maybe the Jews themselves,  by their attitude, social behaviour and crafty way of doing business were the contributing factor.
Let me put the above events into perspective by this analogy:
In the street where you live you see one day a stranger, knocking at the front door of your neighbour's house.    Your neighbour opens the door, talks to this stranger and then lets him in and gives him a place to live in the servants quarters (for that was the place where the stranger asked to be housed).   He stays for a few weeks, all the time improving his status in life while the owner of the house seems to became progressively worse off in every respect and one day you hear your neighbour shouting indignantly to the guest and telling him to pack up and leave the property.
The stranger leaves and knocks at the front door of the house across the street.   Again he is allowed to settle in your other neighbour's property but a few weeks later the owner, too, kicks the fellow out, after also showing signs of deprivation.    So he goes to the next house, and the next, and the next and, in time, is kicked out of every house along the street.
What conclusion would you form of the inability of this fellow from settling down in one of the properties in your neighbourhood?
That all your neighbours were a bunch of bigoted, anti-social, sadistic beasts  ...  or would you,  perhaps,  consider the possibility that there was something drastically wrong with the homeless fellow or with his attitude, or behaviour, towards his hosts?
There is nothing wrong in being proud of one's race, of its achievements, and of its history. There is plenty wrong when that pride develops the belief that you alone are fit to dictate to others how they should live and force them to follow your ideology because you consider all the rest as sub-human and too stupid to be allowed to do as they see fit.
There is something wrong when your spiritual leaders maintain that you and your kind, alone, are "men" and everybody else are "beasts".
There is something definitely wrong when they preach that God devotes part of His day studying your holy books and does it standing, out of reverence for the thoughts and concepts expressed therein;  that when He finds a passage in those writings which He cannot quite  comprehend He asks your priesthood to explain its meaning to Him.
Funny enough, the vast majority of Jews today (about 90%), who quote the Torah as their God given right for demanding privileged status among the nations of the world, are not of the old Israelite stock and their forefathers never set foot on the so-called promised land. They cannot claim Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Moses as one of them;  Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and all the other prophets were not of their racial stock;  David, Solomon, Jeroboam, Hezekiah and all the kings listed in the Old Testament were as much their ancient kings as they were of the Chinese and, of course, Palestine was never their ancient homeland.
Modern day Jewry can trace their faith to the 8th Century A.D. conversion of the Khazar tribe to Judaism, and from whom  the majority of them also find their racial roots, and no further back.
The Khazars were an oriental race, and their kingdom was situated to the north of the Black and Caspian seas, the latter being  known as "the sea of the Khazars". They were phallic worshipers before the conversion of their king, Bulan (and his nobles), to Judaism around about 740 A.D. Judaism was then proclaimed the religion of the state and everyone was "persuaded" to join in. It is from these people that 90% of present day Jewry is descendent, and can be identified by the name "Ashkenazi".  (For a comprehensive background on this matter read Arthur Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe"). .
That they took both the religion of Moses and the "history" of Israel very much to heart is evident by their continuous referral to the Old Testament whenever the occasion arises. That they also took to heart the promises contained in these manuscripts, that they would rule the earth, is evidenced in such works as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and in the various books of the "Talmud" which provide an amplification of such doctrines.  Utterances by prominent Jews also show that it is their firm belief that, one day, "out of Zion shall come forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem" - Isaiah 2:3. (For further reading on this topic see
David Duke's  "My Awakening"  and  "Jewish Supremacism").
It must be pointed out that any publication that does not toe the "politically correct" line is given either the silent treatment or its author is subjected to the most vile and defamatory abuse from the main line Press and, of course from the "Chosen" Ones and their gentile lackeys. The attacks, however, are not directed at the truth or otherwise of the material presented but rather at the writer. Thus "The Protocols" was labelled a forgery, without any convincing argument as why they were consider it to be so;  the Talmudic passages that present all non-Jews as "beasts" or "cattle" are shrugged off as pertaining to ancient days and written as a "righteous backlash to the inhuman persecutions by the gentiles of the poor, innocent Jews of those days" ( such as the prayer "Kol Nidre" -  where Jews pray for God's forgiveness, in advance, for the sins they are going to commit, but which remains still part of their present day liturgy).  Writers such as David Duke are given the full treatment of vilification by accusing them of being anti-Semitics, neo-Nazis, nut-cases, hate-mongers and so on.
Books by their own people, or from "insiders" (those that are in agreement with their plan of world conquest, but opened their mouths prematurely in lauding their achievements) are removed from bookshops, libraries and even from publishers' catalogues (such as "Jews Must Live" by Samuel Roth and the book "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley).
Their control of the printed word makes it extremely difficult for anyone to present 'the other side of the coin', as it were, and the many arms of "Vishnu", as mentioned in the Protocols, are instrumental in their grip on the television and cinema media.  For further details   
That they have now reached the position of turning their dream into reality is due, to a large extent, to the willing servitude of prominent goyim in the political and scientific fields who have been taken in by promises of positions of power and the benefits attached to such high offices as well as by the hypnotic power of persuasion which emanates from the controllers of the "Chosen" ones.
The average Jew is just as much a 'pawn in the game', as the Gentiles are, but their racial ties and the threat of persecution that their controllers hang over their heads (anti-Semitism) makes them blindly follow the leader to wherever he may take them. The average Gentile acts in the same way.  They also follow their leaders (who in turn are led by the "Learned Elders") and both groups (Jew and Gentile) are kept uninformed of the real motive behind the political, social and economic reforms which affect their lives for the worse. For further reading .
Democracy, the darling of concepts in the modern world, can only really be effective if the people is given the true facts, in their entirety, to allow them to weigh the pros and cons of the ideas presented before putting the "X" on the ballot paper. As it is at present, and has been so for a long time, the voter is treated as a mushroom - kept in the dark and fed bullshit.  And Democracy, under these conditions, is a sham. For more info

In all fairness, maybe the goyim deserve what they are about to experience for allowing themselves to be taken in by the propaganda of the "Chosen" ones who, in a way, should be admired for their tenacity and singleness of vision in attaining the goal that they set for themselves so long ago.
This site is dedicated to those who still slumber.  May you wake up soon.


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