

Cloth Trim

Receiving Blanket

Ribbed Booties

Simple Quilt

Xmas Bulb

Pattern Links
Time to make: 25 minutes
Size: 17 1/2" x 8 3/4"
Fabric amounts:
           A: 1/4 yard of 45" or 60" fabric
           B: 1/4 yard of 45" or 60" backing
           C: 17 1/2" x 8 3/4" piece of  1/4" thick batting
           Notions: thread to match or contrast


1. Using the measurements of C for a guide, cut one each of A & B.
2. Assemble pieces together as so: B wrong side up, C on top of B, and A right side up on top of C. Only do this next step if you want rounded edges. If you prefer square edges skip to step 4.
3. To round ends of fabric use a teacup saucer. Place on the very end of one end up side down, trace so just the end is curved. Cut along traced edge. Repeat on the other side.
4. Machine quilt. Starting in the middle, sew five straight stitch rows evenly spaced across 8 3/4" length.
5. Over-lock stitch (with a short stitch) 3 pieces together at edges. Trim edges if necessary.
6. Crochet a
cloth trim, if desired.
7. Straight stitch cloth trim so that it covers over-lock stitching.

Photo here
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