Christmas Bulb


Cloth Trim

Receiving Blanket

Ribbed Booties

Simple Quilt

Xmas Bulb

Pattern Links
Size G/8 hook
1/2 ounce white worsted weight yarn

Rnd 1: Ch2, 12dc in the 2nd ch from the hook. Join (join all rounds unless indicated otherwise).
Rnd 2: ch2, 2 dc in each dc around. Join.
Rnd 3, 4: ch2, dc in each dc around. Join.
Rnd 5: ch2, [dc next 2 dc tog, dc in next dc] around. Join.
Rnd 6: ch2, [dc next 2 dc tog] around. Join. Stuff.
Rnd 7: sl st in next 3 stitches, ch 1, sl st in middle sl st, ch 10, sl st in middle again. FO.
     You can purchase a wreath and garland of choice. Wrap garland around wreath and attatch 4 or 5 bulbs for a quick, inexpensive decoration.
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