Cloth Trim


Cloth Trim

Receiving Blanket

Ribbed Booties

Simple Quilt

Xmas Bulb

Pattern Links
Takes about 45 minutes to complete.
Gauge: 1 inch per cluster
Size H hook
1 oz. worsted weight yarn
1/4 yard prequilted material or use burp cloth pattern.

Start: ch 154, sc in 2nd ch from the hook, [work 1 cluster*, sk next ch, sc in the next 2 chs] to the end. There should be 51 clusters. End off and weave in ends.

*Cluster: ch3, yo twice, pull up a loop from the 2nd ch from the hook, yo, pull through 2 loops, yo twice, pull up a loop from the 3rd ch, yo, pull through 2 loops, yo, pull through remaining 5 loops on hook.

Photo here.
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