Ribbed Booties


Cloth Trim

Receiving Blanket

Ribbed Booties

Simple Quilt

Xmas Bulb

Pattern Links
Size E/4 hook
1 oz. worsted weight yarn
yarn needle

Make 2

Rnd 1: ch 15, hdc in the 2nd ch from the hook, hdc to end 3 hdc in the last ch. Continue along other side of ch, hdc across. 3 hdc in the last ch. Do not join.
Rnd 2: hdc to the end (toe), 3 hdc in the last hdc, hdc to the heal, 3 hdc in the lst hdc.
Rnd 3, 4, 5: hdc around.
Rnd 6, 7, 8: hdc to the toe, make 3 dec, hdc to end. At end of rnd 8 sl st in the beg hdc.
Rnd 9: ch 3 (counts as 1st bphdc*), (fphdc**, bphdc, fphdc) around, sl st in the top of ch 3.
Rnd 10, 11: repeat rnd 9. FO. Weave in ends.

Make a 15" long ch. Weave through row 8. Tie in a bow so that it is positioned on the side of bootie.
I like this pattern because you don't need to count stitches and it works up so quickly.

* bphdc: Yarn over hook, insert hook from back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on the hook. Unless noted otherwise, always skip the stitch behind the bphdc.
** fphdc: Yarn over hook, insert hook from front to back around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on the hook. Unless noted otherwise, always skip the stitch behind the fphdc.
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