

Chore Cards

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Elimination Communication

Fertility Awareness Method

In Memory of Arturo

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Unassisted Birth


Did you know it is possible to remove stones from your gallbladder and liver without surgery and relieve or remove other ailments?
Benefits include:
curing acne, high cholesterol, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, allergies, gallstones, food intolerance, shoulder pain, abdominal pain, upper back pain, arm pain, gallstones attack, liver pain, gallbladder pain, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heartburn, bloating, inflammatory bowel disease IBD, IBS, colitis, constipation, cancer, AIDS, MS, FMS, MSC, CFIDS/CFS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, seizures, osteoporosis, angina pectoris, obesity, cleanses out birth control...

Read and learn how to help yourself !
Don't take your health issues as a life sentence!
Here are some links to sites that I enjoy and recommend for study:

"Eliminate gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, high blood pressure, constipation and more. Use these simple, inexpensive cleanses to flush out the inside of the body and restore health."
"I have learned from personal experience that a weak liver can be the cause of many chronic health problems.  Gallbladder problems, bad breath, constant fatigue, sleep disorders, heart palpitations, poor memory, skin problems, poor complexion, allergies, arthritis, thyroid problems, frequent numbness in the extremities, frequent infection and fainting are a few examples of what may result when the liver is stressed.  In addition, women's health problems such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and painful menstruation may also be the result of weak liver."
"John Christopher expounds on natural healing and nourishing of specific areas of the body with herbs and natural healing techniques.  Topics covered include: elimination, blood stream, liver, lungs, stomach, heart, pancreas, nerves, insomnia, diuretics, pregnancy, skin, allergies, mucusless diet, obesity, reproductive organs, eyes, varicose veins, pyorrhea, hair, cold sheet treatment, incurables routine, comfrey paste and the anti-plague remedy."
The Cure For All Cancers
     Herbal Parasite Cleanse 
     Kidney Cleanse
     Liver Cleanse
     Bowel Cleanse
     Clark Zapper
     Food Zappicator
     Tooth Zappicator
     Homeographic Bottle Copies
     Plate Zapping
     Pet Parasite Cleanse

"On this page you will find direct links to a different recipes for liver & gallbladder cleanse usually achieved by liver flush and suggestions on what to do when having gallstones attack - pain."
"Valuable natural health, mind, spirit and other information unifying the whole, rather than educating a part of the whole"
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