

Chore Cards

Dream Analysis

Elimination Communication

Fertility Awareness Method

In Memory of Arturo

My Childrens' Birth Stories

My Patterns

My Recipes

Surprise! Dolls

Unassisted Birth


Dream Analysis
    Dreaming is something we all do. And some of us want to make sense of it all. Our dreams revolve around us. I believe that we are the makers of our dreams, and that we know within ourselves what our dreams mean. We pick the people, places, objects, and script because these things mean something to us and are representing something in our dreams. It is up to us to find out what. I also have a personal belief that God communicates with us through our dreams.
     When asking yourself these questions you need to answer them as if you were talking to an alien from another planet who has never seen or heard of anything on the planet earth.
   When you are asking these questions, keep in mind other peoples opinions can help but, they could also get you off the right track. Only you know what your dreams mean. And when you get the AHA! you can almost bet you figured it out.
   I suggest keeping a dream journal. Write down the answers to your dream analysis questions, date it, and check back and read it monthly. I have found that a dream that didn't get an AHA! for earlier, I did get later.

Dream analysis questions:

1) Describe the dream events. What do they remind you of in your present life?
2) What do you feel the dream is about?
3) Describe and relate the setting to waking life.
4) Who is each dream person and what is he/she like?
5) Does this dream person remind you of yourself?
6) Does this dream person remind you of anyone in your life?
7) What is each dream object and what is it like?
8) Does this dream object remind you of yourself?
9) Does this dream object remind you of anyone in your life?
10) How does each feeling, person, or object relate to waking life?

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