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Unassisted Childbirth Links

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Prenatal Care

Read as much as you can online and in books about unassisted childbirth. Reading birth stories can very inspiring. There is a huge list of uc related links here. It could keep you busy. Be sure to take breaks. You can become pretty engrossed once you start reading.


If you are use to exercise then you should be able continue your activity for as long as comfortable. If you have been less then active I would suggest only taking walks. And only walk for as long as it is comfortable. Start with 15 minutes and work up as you like. It is not time to start a rigorous exercise program.


This can be hard to do the first trimester. Try eating more fruits, carbs, and protien. When m/s subsides, strive to eat three balanced meals a day consisting of half veges/fruit, a quarter of protein, and a quarter of carbs. Don't pile your plate. Keep the portions small, but don't starve yourself. Also, eat three additional snacks between the main meals. Try to keep sugar intake low and eat more whole foods.


Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your body, especially during pregnancy. The recommended amount to drink daily is 64 oz. You could always drink more if you like.  Remember, if you are thirsty you are all ready dehydrated.


Take a good prenatal vitamin. Check you local nutrition stores and find one that you feel will benefit you.


This can be hard to come by if you have other children to take care of. It is important to get enough rest. Early to bed, late to rise are words to live by for pregnancy. Try to get enough rest and take naps when needed.


Take extra care of your teeth and gums. Bleeding gums are commonly seen in pregnancy.


Visualize the birth you want  for 15-30 minutes per day.


Listen to your innermost voice and trust your instincts/promptings.


Stay away from smoke, alcohol, and harmful drugs (not just illegal).


Feel like making your own nursing shirts, baby slings, menstrual pads, nursing pillow, nursing bra, or diaper bag? Click on Baby Crafts.


You may find that your family or friends want to give you a baby shower. You may  already have children or want to keep from getting useless gifts. Ask insteed, for everyone coming to bring a homemade meal, freezable, in disposable containers. They will be more useful after baby is born than anything you get at a shower.

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