Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Conic Section : Ellipse

  • Q01 | - Definition and diagrams
  • Q02 | - Equations of ellipse in rectangular coordinates
  • Q03 | - Equations of ellipse in polar form
  • Q04 | - Equations of ellipse in parametric equation
  • Q05 | - Example : Find equation for PF + PG = 10 if F and G are fixed
  • Q06 | - Example : Find coordinates of foci of ((x-2)/3)^2 + ((y+3)/5)^2 = 1
  • Q07 | - Example : Sketch ellipse
  • Q08 | - Example : Convert (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1 to polar form
  • Q09 | - Example : convert R = 1.6/(1-0.8*cos(A)) to (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1
  • Q10 | - Example : Change F(x ,y) = 0 to standard form
  • Q11 | - Formula of ellipse
  • Q12 | - Reference for ellipse
  • Q13 | - Prove the locus of ellipse is (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1
  • Q14 | - Convert (x+f)^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 to polar form
  • Q15 | - Draw tangent to ellipse by law of reflection
  • Q16 | - Prove that D*e = (a-f)*(1+e)
  • Q17 | - Elliminate x*y terms in F(x,y)
  • Q18 | - Compare polar form with standard rectangular form
  • Q19 | - Quiz and Answer
  • Q20 | -

  • Answers

    Q1. Defintion of locus of an ellipse in rectangular system

    • Locus
      • Two fixed points F and G which are the foci.
      • A moving point P(x,y).
      • When P moves so that PF + PG = constant = 2*a.
      • The locus of p is an ellipse.
    • Equation of locus : ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = 1.
      • Center is C(h, k)
      • Principal axis is y = k if a greater than b.
      • The vertice on principal axis are U and V : CU = CV = a
      • The foci on principal axis are F and G : focal length = CF = CG = f
    • Focal length
      • f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) where a greater than b.
      • Eccentricity e = f/a

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    Q2. Equations of ellipse in rectangular form

    Standard Form
    • Equation : ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = 1.
    • Where C(h, k) is the center. The values a and b are semi-axis.
    • Major axis and semi-axese
      • If a is greater then b
        • then a is the major semi-axis.
        • then the principal axis is y = k.
        • then the foci are on principal axis.
      • If a is less than b
        • then b is the major semi-axis.
        • then the principal axis is x = h.
        • then the foci are on principal axis.
    • The focal length is CF or CG which is f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2).
    • The vertex
      • The end points of locus on principal axis are U and V. The a = CU = CV.
      • The end points perpendicular to major axis is S and T. The b = CS = CT.
      • FU = CU - CF = a - f.
    Implicit Form without x*y
    • Equation : F(x,y) = A*x^2 + C*y^2 + D*x + E*y + F = 0. A and C have same sign.
    • Foci are on principal axis which is parallel to x-axis or y-axis.
    • Find foci, a, b, f of ellipse.
      • Change to standard form by using completing the square.
      • Then we get ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = 1
      • Hence we can find the center (h, k)
      • Hence we can fond a and b
      • Then we can find f
    Implicit Form with term x*y
    • Equation : F(x,y) = A*x^2 + B*x*y + C*y^2 + D*x + E*y + F = 0.
    • B^2 - 4*A*C < 0 if it is an ellipse.
    • Principal axis is not parallel to x-axis or y-axis.
    • How to find semi-axis and foci ?
      • We must elliminate x*y by rotating an angle.
      • The new coefficients A' C' D' E' F' can be obtained with B' = 0.
      • Then we can find a, b, f and coordinates of foci.
      • Detailed method is given in ZE.txt or ZC.txt of MD2002.
    Example : Study ((x + 2)/5)^2 + ((y - 3)/3)^2 = 1
    • Pricipal axis is y = 3.
    • Center at (-2, 3), a = 5 and b = 3.
    • Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4.
    • Foci are at (-6, 3) and (2, 3)
    • Vertice are at (-7, 3) and (3, 3)
    Example : Study ((x + 2)/3)^2 + ((y - 3)/5)^2 = 1
    • Pricipal axis is x = -2.
    • Center at (-2, 3), a = 5 and b = 3.
    • Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4.
    • Foci are at (-2, 7) and (-2, - 1)
    • Vertice are at (-2, 8) and (-2, -2)
    Example : Study 9*x^2 + 25*y^2 - 54*x + 100*y - 44 = 0
    • 9*(x^2 - 6*x + 9) - 81 + 25*(y^2 + 4*y + 4) - 100 - 44 = 0.
    • 9*(x - 3)^2 + 25*(y + 2)^2 = 225.
    • ((x - 3)/5)^2 + ((y + 2)/3)^2 = 1.
    • Hence it is an ellipse.
      • Pricipal axis is y = -2.
      • Center at (3, -2), a = 5 and b = 3.
      • Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4.
      • Foci are at (-1, -2) and (7, -2)
      • Vertice are at (-2, -2) and (8, -2)

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    Q3. Equations in Polar Form

    [Function 1]
    • Function : R = D*e/(1 - e*sin(A)).
      • Origin is at F.
      • Directrix is y = -D.
      • D is focus to directrix line.
      • Eccentricity e is less than 1.
      • A is angle making with x-axis.
    • Foci are on y-axis and origin is on bottom focus.
    • Directrix is at bottom of ellipse.
    [Function 2]
    • Function : R = D*e/(1 + e*sin(A)).
      • Origin is at F.
      • Directrix is y = D.
      • D is focus to directrix line.
      • Eccentricy e is less than 1.
      • A is angle making with x-axis.
    • Foci are on y-axis and origin is on top focus.
    • Directrix is at top of ellipse.
    [Function 3]
    • Function : R = D*e/(1 - e*cos(A)).
      • Origin is at F.
      • Directrix is x = -D.
      • D is focus to directrix line.
      • Eccentricy e is less than 1.
      • A is angle making with x-axis.
    • Foci are on x-axis and origin is on left focus.
    • Directrix is at left of ellipse.
    [Function 4]
    • Function : R = D*e/(1 + e*cos(A)).
      • Origin is at F.
      • Directrix is x = D.
      • D is focus to directrix line.
      • Eccentricy e is less than 1.
      • A is angle making with x-axis.
    • Foci are on x-axis and origin is on right focus.
    • Directrix is at right of ellipse.
    [Example] Relation of R = D*e/(1 - e*cos(A)) with ((x - f)/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1
    • R = D*e/(1 - e*cos(A)) : Origin at F
    • ((x-f)/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 and let it have same focus F.
    • When A = 180 degrees then cos(180) = -1.
    • Hence R = D*e/(1 + e).
    • From diagram we know R = FU = a - f when A = 180 degrees.
    • Hence D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e)
    • By defintion e = f/a
    [Example] Prove that R = D*e/(1 - e*cos(A)) is ellipse
    • Construction
      • Draw vertical line as directrix.
      • Draw princial axis perpendicular to the directrix.
      • Let F on princial axis as origin (0,0).
      • Draw a point P(x,y).
      • Let PQ = distance from P to Q where Q is on directrix.
      • D = focus to directrix which is x = -D.
    • Locus of P is ellipse if PF/PQ = e where e is less than 1.
    • Prove that R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)).
      • By construction we know PF = R and PQ = D + x.
      • D = distance from F to directrix.
      • By defintion R/PQ = e.
      • Hence R = e*PQ = e*(D + x).
      • Since x = r*cos(A).
      • Hence R = e*(D + e*R*cos(A))
      • Hence R = e*D/(1 - e*cos(A))
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    Q4. Equation of ellipse in parametric equation

    • x = h + a*cos(t).
    • y = k + b*sin(t).
    • (h,k) are center. The values of a and b are semi-axis.
    • Proof
      • ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = cos(t)^2 + sin(t)^2.
      • Since cos(t)^2 + sin(t)^2 = 1.
      • Hence ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = 1.

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    Q5. Two fixed point are F(-4,0) and G(4,0). A moving point is P(x,y). If PF + PG = 10, find the equation of the motion.

    [Method 1] By defintion of standard equation
    • The motion is an ellipse and foci are on the x-axis.
    • The equation is ((x - h)/a)^2 + ((y - k)/b)^2 = 1.
      • The center C is between F and G. Hence h = 0 and k = 0.
      • Also f = CG = CF = 4.
      • Since PF + PG = 2*a = 10 by defintion, Hence a = 5.
      • Since focal f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2), hence b^2 = a^2 - f^2. and b = 3.
    • The requred equation is (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1.
    [Method 2] By using distance formula
    • Since PF + PG = 10.
    • Sqr((x + 4)^2 + y^2) + Sqr((x - 4)^2+ y^2) = 10
    • Sqr((x + 4)^2 + y^2) = 10 - Sqr((x - 4)^2+ y^2)
    • Square both sides we have
      • (x + 4)^2 + y^2 = (10 - Sqr((x - 4)^2 + y^2))
      • (x + 4)^2 + y^2 = 100 - 20*Sqr((x - 4)^2+ y^2)) + (x - 4)^2 + y^2
      • (x + 4)^2 - (x - 4)^2 - 100 = -20*Sqr((x - 4)^2+ y^2))
      • -16*x + 100 = 20*Sqr((x - 4)^2 + y^2))
      • -4*x + 25 = 5*Sqr((x - 4)^2 + y^2))
    • Square both sides
      • (-4*x + 25)^2 = 25*(x - 4)^2 + 25*Y^2
      • 16*x^2 - 200*x + 625 = 25*x^2 - 200*x + 400 - 25*y^2
      • -9*x^2 + 25*y^2 = -625 + 400
      • 9*x^2 + 25*y^2 = 225
    • Simplify and we get
      • (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1.
    • Method 1 is simple if we understand the defintion.
    • Method 2 is staightforward but the procedures are complicated.
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    Q6. Example : If ((x-2)/3)^2 + ((y+3)/5)^2 = 1, find coordinates of foci

    • The foci are on principal axis which is x = 2.
    • The center is at C(2, -3)
    • Focal length f = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4
    • Coordinate of focus is at F(2, -7)
    • Coordinate of other focus is at G(2, 1)
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    Q07. Example : Sketch an ellipse

    [Method 1] Use a string
    Figure 3 Sketch by string

    • Let the string ends be fixed at F and G.
    • The length of the string is greater than FG.
    • Use a pencil as a point P on the string.
    • Let string be two sides of triangle PFG.
    • Move pencil and keep PFG as triangle.
    • The pencil will trace a triangle.
    [Method 2] Use ruler and tractor Fifure 4 Sketch by ruler and tractor

    • Let F and G be two fixed points.
    • Draw a line FQ so that FQ = 2*a where a is the major semi-axis.
    • Join Q and G. Bisect QG and meet line FQ at P.
    • The P is a point on the ellipse.
    • Since bisector perpendicular to QG.
    • Hence GP = PQ and hence PF + PG = FQ = 2*a.
    • P is point on ellipse.
    • Repeat above step to find more points on ellipse.
    [Method 3] Compute (x,y) using equation in rectangular form
    [Method 4] Compute (x,y) using equation in parametric
    [Method 4] Compute (R,A) using polar function
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    Q8. Example : Convert x^2/5^2 + y^2/3^2 = 1 to polar form

    • The polar form is R = D*e/(1 - e*cos(A)) if left focus F is origin.
      • When A=180 degrees, R = a - f.
      • Hence a - f = D*e/(1 + e) or D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e)
    • x^2/5^2 + y^2/3^2 = 1 and left focus is at (-4, 0)
      • Focal length f = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4.
      • The eccentricity e = f/a = 4/5 = 0.8.
      • D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e) = (5 - 4)*(1 + 0.8) = 1.8
    • Hence required polar function is R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
    Other method : See Q14.
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    Q9. Convert R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A) to (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1

    • Polar form R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)).
      • D*e = 1.8 and e = 0.8.
      • D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e) = 1.8,
      • e = f/a = 0.8.
      • Substitute f = 0.8*a into D*e.
      • Hence (a-0.8*a)*(1+0.8) = 1.8.
      • Hence 0.2*a = 1 and hence a = 5.
    • x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 : find b
      • Since f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) and hence b = 3.
      • The required equation is x^2/5^2 + y^2/3^2 = 1.
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    Q10. Example : 9*x^2 + 25*y^2 - 18*x - 100*y - 116 = 0, find a, b ,f

    • Change it to standard form by completing the square.
      • 9*(x^2 - 2x + 1 -1) + 25*(y^2 - 4*y + 4 - 4) - 116 = 0.
      • 9*(x-1)^2 - 9 + 25*(y-2)^2 - 100 - 116 = 0.
      • 9*(x-1)^2 + 25*(y-2)^2 = 225.
    • Divide both sides by 225 and we have
    • Equation ((x - 1)/5)^2 + ((y - 2)/3)^2 = 1
    • Hence this is an ellispse
    • Hence a = 5 and b = 3. Then f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = 4.
    • This is an ellipse because (B^2 - 4*A*C) = 0 - 4*9*25 = -900
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    Q11. Formula :

    • (x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1.
      • Principal axis is y = k if a is greater than b.
      • Vertice on principal axis are U and V : CU = CV = a.
      • Foci on principal axis are F and G : focal length = CF = CG = f.
      • Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2).
      • Efficiency e = f/a.
    • Locus in rectangular system
      • F and G are foci.
      • P is moving point.
      • PF + PG = 2*a and locus of P is an ellipse.
    • Locus in polar system
      • PQ is distance from P to directrix and Q on directirx.
      • PF = R.
      • R/PQ = e and locus of P is an ellipse if e is less than 1.
    • Relation between polar and rectangular system
      • R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A))
      • When A = 180 degrees and cos(A) = -1
      • Hence R = (a - f) and R = D*e/(1 + e)
      • Use polar formula we have D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e)
      • Where a is majar semi-axis.
      • D is the distance from focus F to directrix.
    • Slope of point on ellipse dy/dx = -(x*b^2)/(y*a^2).
    • Focal length f.
      • CF = CG = f. C is center, F and G are foci.
      • Eccentricity e = f/a.
      • f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2).
      • a - f = UF and U is vertex on principal axis near F
      • D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e) when A = 180 in polar form.
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    Q12. References :

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    Q13. Example : Prove that locus of ellipse is x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1

    • Let the fixed points be F(x,-f) and G(x,f). Moving point is P(x,y).
    • Since PF + PG = 2*a where a is the major semi-axis.
    • Sqr((x+f)^2 + y^2) + Sqr((x-f)^2 + y^2) = 2*a.
    • Square bothe sides we have :
      • (x+f)^2+ y^2+ (x-f)^2+ y^2+ 2*Sqr((x+f)^2+y^2)*Sqr(x-f)^2+y^2)=4*a^2.
      • x^2+2*x*f+f^2+y^2+x^2-2*x*f+f^2+f^2-4*a^2=-2*Aqr((x+f)^2+y^2)*Sqr(x-f)^2+y^2).
      • or 2*x^2+ 2*y^2+ 2*f^2- 4*a^2 = -2*Sqr((x+f)^2+y^2)*Sqr(x-f)^2+y^2).
      • or (x^2+ y^2)+ (f^2- 2*a^2) = -Sqr((x+f)^2+y^2)*Sqr(x-f)^2+y^2).
    • Square both sides again :
      • (x^2+y^2)^2+2*(x^2+y^2)+(f^2-2*a^2)^2 = (x+f)^2+y^2)*(x-f)^2+y^2).
      • x^4+2*x^2*y^2+y^4+ 2*f^2*(x^2+y^2)- 4*a^2*(x^2+y^2)+ f^4-4*f^2*a^2 +4*a^2.
      • = (x+f)^2*(x-f)^2 + y^2*(x-f)^2 + y^2*(x+f) +y^4.
      • = x^4-2*x^2*y^2+f^4+x^2*y^2-2*x*f*y^2+y^2*f^2+x^2*y^2+2*x*f*y^2+y^2*f^2+y^4.
    • Simplify above equation :
      • 4*x^2*f^2 - 4*a^2*x^2 - 4*a^2*y^2 = 4*a^2*f^2 - 4*a^4.
      • -(4*a^2-4*f^2)*x^2 - 4*a^2*y^2 = 4*a^2*(a^2-b^2) - 4*a^4 .
      • -(a^2-f^2)*x^2 - a^2*y^2 = -a^2*b*2.
      • b^2*x^2 + a^2*y^2 = a^2*b^2.
    • Hence equation of locus is x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1.
    • By translation : (x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1.
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    Q14. Example : Convert ((x + f)/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1 to polar form

    • The focal point is at F(x,-f) for polar form R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)).
    • Remove denominator :
      • b^2*(x+f)^2 + a^2*y^2 = a^2*b*2.
      • b^2*x^2 + b^2*x*f + b^2*f^2 + a^2*y^2 = a^2*b^2.
      • Since b^2 = a^2 - f^2.
      • Hence b^2*x^2 + a^2*y^2 + 2*b^2*x*f = a^2*b^2 - b^2*f^2.
      • (a^2-f^2)*x^2 + a^2*y*2 + 2*b^2*x*f = b^2*(a^2-f^2)
    • Since x = R*cos(A) and y = R*sin(A) and R^2 = x^2 + y^2.
    • Simplify above equation :
      • R^2*a^2 - f^2*x^2 + 2*b^2*x*f = b^4.
      • R^2*a^2 - (f^2*x^2 - 2*b^2*x*f + b^4) + b^4 = b^4.
      • R^2*a^2 - (f*x - b^2)^2 = 0.
      • R*a = f*x - b^2.
      • R*a = -(f*x - b^2).
      • R*a - R*f*cos(A) = b^2
      • R*(a - f*cos(A)) = b^2.
    • After elliminting f by f=e/a we have : R = b^2/(a - f*cos(A)).
    • Since f/a = e, hence R = (b^2/a)/(1 - e*cos(A)).
    • If A = 180 we have R = (b^2/a)/(1+e) or b^2/a = R*(1+e).
    • b^2/a = (a^2 - f^2)/a = (a-f)*(a+f)/a = (a-f)*(1+e) = D*e.
    • Hence R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)).
    Other method : See Q08
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    Q15. Example : Draw tangent to ellipse using reflection

    Ellipse Tangent by reflection

    • Draw an ellipse with F(x,-f) and G(x,f).
    • Draw a point P(x,y) on the ellipse.
    • Draw a bisector of angle FPG.
    • Draw a line perpendicular the bisector and passing P.
    • By the law of reflection, This line is the requred tangent.
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    Q16. Example : Relation of D*e = (a-f)*(1+e) in polar form
    • Draw an ellipse with F(x,-f) and G(x,f) on x-axis.
    • Let the vertex U be between directrix and F.
    • When A = 180 then R = D*e/(1+e) = FU = a-f.
    • Hence D*e = (a-f)*(1+e).
    • Where e = f/a and f = Sqr(a^2-b^2).
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    Q17. Elliminate x*y terms in F(x,y)

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    Q18. Compare polar form with rectangular standard form

    • Directrix at left side. Principal axis is x-axis. Focus F is origion.
    • F is left side focus of x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1.
    • When A=180 we have D*e = (a-f)*(1+e)
    • Directrix at right side. Principal axis is x-axis. Focus G is origion.
    • G is right side focus of x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1.
    • When A=0 we have D*e = (a-f)*(1+e)
    • Directrix at bottom side. Principal axis is y-axis. Focus F is origion.
    • F is bottom side focus of x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1.
    • When A=270 we have D*e = (a-f)*(1+e)
    • Directrix at top of ellipse. Principal axis is y-axis. Focus G is origion.
    • G is top side focus of x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1.
    • When A=90 we have D*e = (a-f)*(1+e)
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  • Q19. Quiz in ellipse

    Quize and answer
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