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Policy Note on Peaceful Elections for Peacful Aceh: Conflict Management Findings from 2004 and Implications for Aceh 2006 (World Bank, 6 November 2006)

Islamic Law and Criminal Justice in Aceh, ICG Asia Report No. 117, 31 July 2006

Indonesia: Support Needed for Return and Re-Integration of Displaced Achenese Following Peace Agreement: A Profile of the Internal Displacement Situation (IDMC, 19 July 2006)

Too High a Price: The Human Rights Cost of the Indonesian Military's Economic Activities, HRW, 21 June 2006

GAM Press Statement, 6 June 2006

Aceh Government Law (Unofficial English Version)

Law on the Governing of Aceh - A Brief Review and Assessment (unofficial .ppt overview by Bernhard May)

Aceh: Now for the Hard Part, ICG Asia Briefing No. 48, 29 March 2006

GAM Reintegration Needs Assessment (World Bank and DSF) [report] [executive summary]

Laporan : Assessmen Kebutuhan Reintegrasi GAM : Pemulihan Perdamaian melalui Program Pengembangan Tingkat Masyarakat (Bank Dunia dan DSF) [laporan] [rinkasan laporan]

The Right To Return: IDPs in Aceh (Eva-Lotta E. Hedman)

Aceh: So Far, So Good, ICG Asia Briefing No. 44, 13 December 2005

Children and the Tsunami, A Year On: What Worked (UNICEF November 2005)

Post-Tsunami Reconstruction and Peace Building in Aceh: Political Impacts and Potential Risks (Christine Susanna Tjhin, CSIS, October 2006)

Success of Finnish Mediator: Aceh Peace Talk (, 3 October 2005)

Aceh: A New Chance for Peace, ICG Asia Briefing No. 40, 15 August 2005

MoU RI-GAM [English] [Bahasa Indonesia]

Aceh At War: Torture, Ill-Treatment, and Unfair Trials, HRW, 27 September 2004

Aceh Under Martial Law: Conflict, Violence and Displacement (Eva-Lotta Hedman, ed., 20 May 2004)

Aceh Under Martial Law: Problems Faced by Acehnese Refugees in Malaysia, HRW, April 2004

Aceh Then and Now (Lesley McCulloch, Minority Rights Group International)

Indonesia: Child Soldier Use 2003, HRW Multi Country Report, 16 January 2004

Aceh Under Martial Law: Inside the Secret War, HRW, 18 December 2003

Aceh Under Martial Law: Muzzling the Messengers: Attacks and Restrictions on the Media, HRW, 26 November 2003

Aceh Under Martial Law: Can These Men be Trusted to Prosecute this War? HRW Briefing Paper, October 2003

Aceh Under Martial Law: Unnecessary and Dangerous Restrictions on International Humanitarian Access, HRW Briefing Paper, 19 September 2003

ABC Four Corners - Independence Day: The Aceh Civil War (1 September 2003)

Aceh: How Not to Win Hearts and Minds, ICG Asia Briefing No. 27, 23 July 2003

Das Militär als Nutznießer (Sidney Jones, Frankfurter Rundschau, 15 July 2003)

Aceh Under Martial Law: Human Rights Under Fire, HRW Briefing Paper, 5 June 2003

Martial Law in Aceh After Two Months: The Sufferings of Aceh, the Burden of Indonesians, INFID Briefing paper

Jakarta Rights Group Attacked for Aceh Stance, HRW, 28 May 2003

Aceh: Why the Military Option Still Won't Work. ICG Briefing 9 May 2003

A Peace Plan for Aceh Indonesia (Sidney Jones, IHT 5 May 2003)

Nationalism Turns Eyes from Jakarta's Failures Indonesia's Fragile State (Sidney Jones, IHT, 26 March 2003)

Cessation of Hostilities: Indonesian Press Release 21 May 2003

Text of Cessation of Hostilities Framework Agreement

The Key Step for Peace is Ending Corruption (Sidney Jones, IHT, 2002)

World Bank: Promoting Peaceful Development in Aceh, 3 December 2002

Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Aceh. HRW Publication 14(1)(C), March 2002

Pertanggungjawaban Atas Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia di Aceh (versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Indonesia: The War in Aceh. Human Rights Watch Publication 13(4)(C), August 2001

Aceh: Can Autonomy Stem the Conflict?, Asia Report No. 18 , 27 June 2001

Aceh: Why Military Force Won't Bring Lasting Peace. ICG Asia Report No. 17, 12 June 2001

The Acehnese Resistance Movement and Exxon Mobil, Jeremy Schanck, ICE Case Studies No. 85, May 2001

Sidney Jones: Tribute to a Proud Acehnese (Inside Indonesia, Jan-Mar 2001)

Aceh: Escalating Tension. ICG Indonesia Briefing, 7 December 2000

Chris Wilson: Internal Conflict in Indonesia: Causes, Symptoms and Sustainable Resolution

Aceh: Ekologi Wilayah Perang. Down to Earth 47, November 2000

Activist and Press Backgrounder on ExxonMobil Activities in North Aceh (.pdf)

Sense of Congress Regarding Human Rights Violations in West Papua and Aceh [...], 4 May 2001 (.pdf-long download, see Sec. 737) [not online 11/06]

Indonesia in Transition: Implications for U.S. Interests

Congressional Human Rights Testimony [ Jana Mason ] [ Edmond McWilliams ] [ Congressional Human Rights Caucus -  Indonesia]

History of Aceh (links). World History at KMLA; Main Events in History of Aceh

Chronology of Aceh (ABC 4 Corners) to 1/2005


Kelahiran dan Perkembangan LSM di Aceh. CCDE, SMERU, Agustus 2000 (.pdf)

Population by District and Ethnicity

Database on Social Violence in Indonesia 1990-2001, by Moh. Zulfan Tadjoeddin (April 2001)

Overview of Sharia Law and Possible Punishments (Erica Harper, .doc 118 Ko)

From Islamism to Nationalism (Edward Aspinall, .doc 134 Ko)


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