Costel Rizescu

Nuclear Decay


Nuclear Decay: What it is, what it does?

Unstable nuclei, called radioactive isotopes, will undergo nuclear decay to make it more stable. There are only certain types of nuclear decay which means that most isotopes can't jump directly from being unstable to being stable. It often takes several decays to eventually become a stable nucleus. When unstable nuclei decay, the reactions generally involve the emission of a particle and or energy. Half-lives are characteristic properties of the various unstable atomic nuclei and the particular way in which they decay. Alpha and beta decay are generally slower processes than gamma decay. Half-lives for beta decay range upward from 10-2 sec and, for alpha decay, upward from about 10-6 sec. Bismuth-209 has the longest half-life of 2x1019 years. Half-lives for gamma decay may be too short to measure (~ 10-14 second), though a wide range of half-lives for gamma emission has been reported.

There are five types of nuclear decay:

Alpha Decay
  • Alpha Decay - The strong force, despite its strength, has a very short range; it can't even reach from one end of a fair-sized atomic nucleus to the other. If a proton is at the edge of a big nucleus, it can feel the pulling strong force only from the particles in the neighborhood, but there is an electromagnetic force, which tends to push it out, all the way from the other side of the nucleus. There is a sensitive balance between these two competing forces. The nucleus needs not to acquire extra energy to escape; the quantum mechanical effect called tunneling allows a certain probability of escape through a potential wall. Alpha decay, in which just a small chunk breaks off from the main nucleus, is a rather mild case of fission; in more dramatic examples, the nucleus can break more or less in half. The broken-off chunk most often is packed into a helium nucleus (alpha particle) because it is in a more stable form. Figure 1 shows the effect of tunneling through the Coulomb barrier; the nucleus has a small probability of escape to the outside depending on the height and width of the wall.
  • Figure 1. Alpha Decay

    Beta Decay
  • Beta Decay - The weak interaction is responsible for the instability of "free" neutrons, which decay according to the reaction: n ==> p + e + electron-anti-neutrino with a lifetime about 15 minutes in a process known as beta decay. Neutrons in a nucleus are subject to the protection of the nuclear and the electromagnetic forces from the other nucleons, and they will remain stable provided there are not too many of them. If there are too many, such protection would not be sufficient for all of them to remain stable, and the nucleus would undergo beta decay. Figure 2 shows that in the beta decay process, the down quark turns into an up quark (thus changes the neutron to proton) by emitting a W- meson, which decays into an electron and an electron-anti-neutrino.
  • Figure 2. Beta Decay

    Gamma Decay
  • Gamma Decay - In gamma decay, a nucleus changes from a higher energy state to a lower energy state through the emission of electromagnetic radiation. It happens usually after the transmutation of the nucleus; the end product has to re-arrange the occupancy of energy levels in order to arrive at a more stable state. The number of protons (and neutrons) in the nucleus does not change in this process, so the parent and daughter atoms are the same chemical element. In the gamma decay of a nucleus, the emitted photon and recoiling nucleus each have a well-defined energy after the decay. Figure 3 shows the adjustment of energy level by emitting gamma ray after Mg has transmuted into Al.
  • Figure 3. Gamma Decay

  • Positron Emission - Positron emission is a type of beta decay, referred to as "beta plus"(ß+ ) or inverse beta decay. In beta plus decay, a proton is converted to a neutron, a positron and a neutrino via the weak interaction. This spontaneous nuclear process releases an amount of energy equal to the energy equivalent of the rest mass that disappears in the process. The positron and neutrino are created in the nucleus at the moment of disintegration. The "endothermic reactions" receives the energy from the nuclear fission. That positron decay is a nuclear process is consistent with the fact that the decay of free protons by positron emission is not observed in nature. On the other hand, the beta decay of free neutrons is a familiar fact. The positron is made of anti-matter and does not last very long in the world of ordinary matter. As soon as the positron meets an ordinary electron the two particles annihilate and the energy contained in their mass appears as two gamma-rays of 0.5 MeV each, flying off in opposite directions.
  • Positron Emission
    Positron radioactivity is therefore always accompanied by the emission of gamma rays with an energy of about 0.5 MeV in addition to any other gamma-rays which might be emitted. Example isotopes, which emit positrons are C-11, N-13, O-15 and F-18. These isotopes are used in positron emission tomography (PET). Figure 4 shows the transmutation of C-11 into B-11 by positron emission.

    Figure 4. Positron Emission

  • Electron Capture - Electron capture is a decay mode for nucleus that will occur when there are too many protons in the nucleus of an atom, and there isn't enough energy to emit a positron. In this case, one of the orbital electrons is captured by a proton in the nucleus, forming a neutron and a neutrino. Since the proton is essentially changed to a neutron, the number of neutrons increases by 1, the number of protons decreases by 1, and the atomic mass remains unchanged.
  • Electron Capture
    By changing the number of protons, electron capture transforms the nucleus into a new element. Electron capture is also called K-capture since the captured electron usually comes from the atom's K-shell. Figure 5 shows another way of transmuting C-11 into B-11 by electron capture.

    Figure 5. Electron Capture

    Table 1 below summarizes the various types of nuclear decay with a few examples.

    Type Emission Penetrating Power Example
    Alpha Decay Helium nuclei 1, stopped by skin, very damaging due to ionization 92U238 => 90Th234 + 2He4
    Applicable to nuclei with Z>83, see Figure 14-02
    Beta Decay Electron, high speed 100, penetrates human tissue to ~ 1 cm 53I131 => 54Xe131 + -1e0
    Applicable to nuclei with high neutron-proton ratio
    Gamma Decay Photons, high energy 10000, highly penetrating but not very ionizing 92U238 => 90Th234 + 2He4 + 2 photon
    Energy lost from settling within the nucleus after transmutation
    Positron Emission Positron 100 6C11 => 5B11 + 1e0
    Applicable to nuclei with a low neutron-proton ratio
    Electron Capture Electron, inner shell Neutrino 37Rb81 + -1e0 => 36Kr81 + neutrino
    Applicable to nuclei with a low neutron-proton ratio

    Table 1. Types of Nuclear Decay

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