Welcome to Chibi City!

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Who are We? The Webmasters of Chibi City!

Chibi City was originally founded on January 18, 2001. It continued to be updated until late July, 2002. Then it was abandoned for a little while, but now, thanks to its re-discovery in November, 2002 by Hareko and Ameko, it is up and running again! So perhaps you're wondering who those two are anyway...

(Important notes: The people in charge of the website did not change - just the characters used on the site. Angela, WKW, Kawaii, and Patchy-Watchy still exist, but it was hard to role-play each one on the site!)

Hareko in Japanese is literally the name "Sunny". This describes her personality pretty well - she's always optimistic and overly-energetic. Easily excited, her face lights up at any cute object. She doesn't always think before she acts, however, so Ameko has to keep her hyperactiveness in check. Hareko's birthday is June 1 (a sunny date).

If Hareko is the figurehead, Ameko is the brains behind the scenes. Usually quiet, Ameko is an HTML whiz (she coded the site) and is very cautious yet also adventurous - if that makes sense. She makes sure Hareko behaves and usually ends up fixing her bubble-headed mistakes. Her birthday is April 1 (but she's no fool). Note: Ameko is literally "Rainy".

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Disclaimer: We, the webmasters, of Chibi City hold no rights to any character used on this site besides Hareko, Ameko, Maya, and the things on the adoption page. This website was made just for fun, so we extend our most sincere apologies to the following artists for using their characters without permission: CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura), Satoshi Tajiri (Pocket Monsters/Pokemon), Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon), and Akira Toriyama (Dragonball), among others. We are not responsible for the pictures on any awards we may receive, or artwork added to the picture galleries or whiteboard.
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