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How to Draw Chibi Anime!

Hareko: Aah, Ameko-chama, no matter how hard I try, I can't draw a Chibi!
Ameko: Have no fear, Ameko is here! Luckily for you, I know a few simple steps you can use so you can teach yourself how to draw Chibi! Here, let's do Maya from "Tracey"'s story, "The Missing Jewels Caper". Now, just stick with me and everything'll work out great.

Step 1
Ameko: First, draw a circle with two perpendicular lines running through it. This forms an excellent grid to work from. The face will be drawn according to these simple shapes!

Step 2
Ameko: Next, draw the face. Be sure that the shape stays inside the grid lines and starts below the halfway line. Then, draw the eyes starting on the halfway line. In this picture, Maya is winking so you can see what a closed eye and an open Chibi eye look like. Notice how the closed eye starts below the line. This is because it is not the same size as the eye would be open. You may choose to add eyebrows, but it's not always necessary. After that, draw the ears on the sides of the face. Line them up with the eyes.

Step 3
Ameko: Now draw the mouth. Maya's a hyper-active teenage detective, so she's often smiling. If you want to draw a closed mouth, just make a small line. Hm...I haven't said that you shouldn't add a nose. Well, now I am. Chibis do not have noses. Unless they're very little ones. Like dots.

Step 4
Ameko: This step is drawing the hair. Just be sure that it goes above the top of the circle. Have fun with this step! Maya is wearing her favorite hat, her beret.

Step 5
Ameko: If you've come this far, then you should know that the head is finished. This step is drawing the neck and upper body. The neck should be very short and thin. The arms should also be pretty short with round, mitten-like hands. Maya is giving you a peace sign. Chibi arms should be about as short as the entire torso plus a bit more. Let me point out that...well...guys and girls look a little different around a certain area...okay, I've said enough.

Step 6
Ameko: Now, draw the bottom half of the body. The legs should be kind of thin, and the feet should be big and round, similar to the hands. The full height of the Chibi should be two heads. Maya is wearing a skirt - you could figure that out, right? RIGHT?!

Step 7
Ameko: This is the second to last step! Erase the grid lines you drew while you were on Step 1!

Step 8
Ameko: The final step! Color your picture. Shading can be used, but don't overuse it. Chibi is a simple form of anime. You should add shine to the hair. Me? I was in a hurry so I didn't have time (and should stop making excuses)!
There, you're done! Don't forget to sign your work! I wish you good luck with drawing in the future.

Hareko: Yay! I drew a Chibi! Thanks Ameko-chama!!!
Ameko: ...No problem?
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Disclaimer: We, the webmasters, of Chibi City hold no rights to any character used on this site besides Hareko, Ameko, Maya, and the things on the adoption page. This website was made just for fun, so we extend our most sincere apologies to the following artists for using their characters without permission: CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura), Satoshi Tajiri (Pocket Monsters/Pokemon), Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon), and Akira Toriyama (Dragonball), among others. We are not responsible for the pictures on any awards we may receive, or artwork added to the picture galleries or whiteboard.
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