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The Chibi City Dictionary

Hareko: Ameko-chama, this page was a prodigious idea! Now people will be able to understand all of the Chibi terms we use on this site!
Ameko: If nothing else, they'll be able to understand what you said, you bakish knave. Please note, these are not dictionary definitions, they're our version, so DON'T USE THIS AS AN ACTUAL RESOURCE FOR SCHOOL PAPERS!
Chibi CHEE-bee (noun): Japanese. A form of anime that is used to make characters look younger and therefore cuter. used in advertising or omake sections of anime and manga. The scale is approximately two heads. Characters drawn in this style have large heads and big eyes. This website is dedicated to Chibi, in case you hadn't noticed!

Prodigious pro-DIH-juhs (adjective) Used to describe something very cool. Chibi City is a prodigious website; I wouldn't dream of spending my time anywhere else because it's so neat! (interjection) COOL! You're a webmaster of Chibi City? Prodigious!

Knave NAVE (noun): Stupid person. You don't like Chibi City? You're such an unprodigious virtuous knave!

Knavish NAVE-ish (adjective): Essentially stupid. Anyone who doesn't like Chibi City even just a little is knavish.

Baka BAH-kah (noun): Japanese. See knave.

Bakish BAH-kihsh (adjective): Japlish, derived from baka. See knavish.

-Chama CHAH-mah (title): Used after a name, is a mix between the Japanese titles "-sama" and "-chan" - sort of "respectful child". Ameko-chama, you're amazing!

Hentai HEN-tah-ee (noun? adjective?): Japanese. Something you don't want to see - in other words, less than a bathing suit. We're sorry we had to inform you of that term's existance, but Chibi City is a hentai-free site!

Ne? NEH (interrogative particle): Sort of like saying "right?" at the end of a sentence. Chibi City is a really good site, ne?

Kawaii ka-WAH-ee (adjective): Japanese. Used to describe something that's cute. Not used to describe boys, but little girls and fuzzy animals and things like that are okay.Chibi City is such a kawaii website! There's no cuter place on the internet than right here!

Evil EE-vuhl (adjective): Synonymous with "mischievous". You made all the colors clash on purpose? You're so evil!

Chouettey Shoe-WEHT-tee (adjective): Frainglish derived from the French word "chouette", meaning "neat" or "cool". See "prodigious".

Hareko: More words coming soon!
Ameko: We just have to think of some first, ne?
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Disclaimer: We, the webmasters, of Chibi City hold no rights to any character used on this site besides Hareko, Ameko, Maya, and the things on the adoption page. This website was made just for fun, so we extend our most sincere apologies to the following artists for using their characters without permission: CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura), Satoshi Tajiri (Pocket Monsters/Pokemon), Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon), and Akira Toriyama (Dragonball), among others. We are not responsible for the pictures on any awards we may receive, or artwork added to the picture galleries or whiteboard.
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