Welcome to Chibi City!

Link to Us
How to Draw Chibi
Awards we have won
Awards You Can Win
Who are We?
Adoption Center
Kitten Adoption Center

Hareko: AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!! Look at all the cute widdle kittens!
Ameko: They look like they've been carelessly abandoned on this page!
Hareko: I want! I want!
Ameko: But will you take care of it by putting it on your homepage? And will you remember to link back to Chibi City via the banners on the "Link to Us" page?
Hareko: Gee, that sounds tough. Maybe I'll stick to admiring them here.

Will you adopt this sleepy Siamese kitten?

Will you adopt this cat coming out of the bag?

Will you adopt this cautious brown kitten?

Will you adopt this sad gray tabby?

Will you adopt this yellow and red striped kitten?

Will you adopt this happy calico kitten?

Look! A Chibi City valentine! Print this out and give it to all your friends!

Another valentine! Wow! Someone was busy *hint hint Ameko*

Happy Second Birthday Chibi City! You can share a slice of the cake by putting this on your site! By the way, our second birthday was January 18, 2003! Yaaaay!
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Please e-mail us!  And don't forget to specify which character the e-mail is for! Get your own FREE Chibi City e-mail account!
Disclaimer: We, the webmasters, of Chibi City hold no rights to any character used on this site besides Hareko, Ameko, Maya, and the things on the adoption page. This website was made just for fun, so we extend our most sincere apologies to the following artists for using their characters without permission: CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura), Satoshi Tajiri (Pocket Monsters/Pokemon), Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma 1/2), Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon), and Akira Toriyama (Dragonball), among others. We are not responsible for the pictures on any awards we may receive, or artwork added to the picture galleries or whiteboard.
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