BLUNDERS...for the last few shows.....

"..and so, Sami, Lexie said I could never have children of my own.  And GET THIS....she said I have an ARM growing out of my back!  Jesus!  I've just had the worst day!" 


Someone should tell Chelsea the cardinal rule of being a slut:  Make sure you have a big enough rack to pull off a dress like that.   Poor Max! 


Ack!  Jack Jr. has developed a severe case of hydrocephalus (aka gigantic frickin' head)!!  This must be the after effects of being a jungle baby delivered by Patrick Lockhart, "pirate midwife extraordinaire". 

Carrie, there's plenty of Chez Rouge treats up on the roof....there's no need to eat that...whatever it is.  Crazy broad.


If I have to watch one more scene of Jack dying and his family pleading him NOT to do so, I think I just may jab myself in the eye with a coathanger. 

Okay, so I'm by no means bisexual or anything (much to my fiance's disappointment) but how did Abby get so hot?!  In the eloquent words of the male species:  "I'D do 'er". 

Thursday, August 3

A doctor at Salem University Hospital other than Lexie? Maybe all of her malpractice suits caught up to her and she's taking some "time off".


Shawn needs to learn not to rush away from somebody's hospital bed for fear of ripping out their IV. Just something to keep in mind while visiting all of your ailing loved ones that seem to be hospitalized more often than not.


Excuse me Mimi, but you don't just leave other people's children with someone else when you're supposed to be taking care of them, especially Bonnie Lockheart.


I just LOVE how they portray nurses on this show: girls who make the easy transition from candy stripers to RNs without any apparent need for that silly education and without any notion of trying to be discreet about someone's torrid affair. Hot damn, sign me up!


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